Choose one of the following: Do you want to be in the NON Alliance?
a) Yes, it's the most amazing idea ever!
b) Perhaps, but I want to wait a while.
c) MAYBE in the future, but I'm not certain.
d) There's no way in the world. I prefer Nexus Delta the way it is.
Also, you should check in with Yhnmko1 over at the Member Listing. He's updating our team, and we need to hear from you!

Yes, but I think we should recover first before we join. so, A and B?
For Brianna113 she picks 4
I actually think an alaince would be good , so i pick yes So that is a no for brianna and yes for BlazeBT
ehhhhhh 4 for now, but maybe 3 once we recover
A, although we shouldn't join before we recover as well :/
What alliance. Time zone doesnt allow me to attend to meetings...
Wrong link, Patch. :P
I am TheBdude. Never heard of That so no. :P
Ok after thinking for an hour or so i figured out that not having any alliance will be better for the team. At least for now. When the team is rebuilded and has enough stability to be able to hold an alliance then i believe we can set another poll.
Signed. Fong
I'm gonna go with B and C.
I'm not sure if joining with them is a good idea just yet we need to work on getting our team back up and running properly i may be new but i sure i know joining with them is not a good idea at the moment
not a bad idea.... its between a and b
If we say no, we can't join again. We can put it off for a couple of weeks, but I REALLY SAY YES NOW! Beta has "taken over"(in the good way) so I think we are as fixed up as we are going to be =) :D
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