Saturday, August 21, 2010

New Recruits and Other News!

Donate Today!
Hey Nexus Delta! We had a pretty good meeting today when we were playing disk ball even though the rules weren't really explained well.(Blame Fusion) I think next time we play I'm going to have a full Disk ball tournament jam-packed with adrenaline-rushing action and prizes! Sound good? Why yes, yes it does. Also, Maelsorcerer made a great contribution to the team donating coins to the team Vault! (Can't remember the exact amountof coins) He made a new character that is actually named "Vault" which carries all the team coins/items and supplies. He takes the character out at meetings so make sure you post your donation so you can get your fill of Nexus Points!

Gimmie those Points!

The News
If anyone noticed the poll on the sidebar, it looks like Paradox is the most popular faction by a lot of votes.  The poll ends soon so make sure to vote for your favorite!
There has been an important problem that Jomy582 got that makes his patcher not load up anything.  It's a pretty annoying bug that won't even start the game so if anyone knows how to fix this please let us know.

More Members!
As you all know, the Nexus Delta has gotten a lot of new members in the past few weeks! Please welcome them to the team and show them around too. We are almost at the 50 member mark and hopefully we will continue to grow. Keep spreading the word around and recruiting new members. I'm going to give Nexus Points to members who recruit others! Also, I am going to make a Nexus Points page to keep a better track of member points and tell you how you can get them. I will need some help keeping track of points if anyone wants to help out.

Game News
There is a new Creation Lab challenge for everyone!

The link for the challenge is here.

Have a great weekend!
Have a great rest of the weekend everyone! I will post the next meeting times soon!


Jomy582 said...

thanks fusion im flatterd lol

Fusion said...

No problem :)

Darkx said...

i might not be able to come to alot of meetings unless you make them at like 5pm

Jomy582 said...

I DON'T HAVE IT ANYMORE!!!!! but now there is a patch on the US servers

Maelsorcerer said...

Hello all! I made my symbol for my minifig if you want to look it up (currently pending). It's name is Paradox Votex.

CapnMike said...

I figured out the workaround for the "download error" on US servers. Most likely everyone either knows it or doesn't need it anymore, but I'll post it if needed. I'd also like to contribute to the vault, and 5:30-6:00 EST works a lot better for me usually. Thanks!

bigbudcat said...

I never knew you guys had a blog! Anyway, just so you know, there's a link to this place from Wikipedia. You're famous! Might want to start talking in code though, due to the DoS. And, the comment place where you post your info doesn't work. But who cares, this is an awesome blog! Have fun!

Fusion said...

Hey everyone! Thanks for the comment bigbudcat, I'm going to try and fix the stats and info page so it allows comments. I have also noticed that everyone seems to be available around 5:00pm EST so that might be the new meeting time.

Maelsorcer, where did you upload the picture?

Maelsorcerer said...

It's in the same place as everyone else's (or will be once its approved). I'll post once its approved-its still pending :(

Fusion said...

I still need to make one, I don't know if I will be able to finish : /

PeterTheGreat said...

You're welcome Fusion. I just realized you guys are posting with your in-game names, so I changed mine! I'd love to join this team, but I take turns with siblings, so I can't control when I'm on. Makes me the absolute least reliable member of the two teams and one club I am already in. I don't often make it to those either. Oh well, that's how it is.

Leinardo said...

Hey I got to the site finally! Fusion do you think I could help with the site... I have a lot of experience in web design and would love to help! :) Hope I can.


(Nexus Delta Scribe)

BetaMaster said...

hey jammy, you wher on today. did i fix your problem with that post i made?

Anonymous said...

this is shadow 96, fusion can i be like a venture guy? like i know tweedle is a venture leader but can i be a venture daredevil lieutenant or somthing? :D

Jomy582 said...

Ill donate some money! (you now how much i have and i can still get more :P) and the bug is fixed

Anonymous said...

I am sincerley asking everybody ... what is the best kit of all factions? i love samurai, but then the daredevil looks cool... but assembly builds cool turrets... then again space murader looks awesome... so anybody got advice?

Fusion said...

Woah a lot of comments, I will try to answer them as soon as I can!

PeterTheGreat said...

To the most recent Anonymous-that-might-be-Shadow96, I am close to having the full Samurai as well as Knight Rank 3 kits, and they were the absolute best I had ever tried... until the weakened the weapons. Now I'd tell people to steer clear of Sentinel, well, Knight at least. Lots of armor doesn't do any good if you can't kill the bad guy because the weapon is so doggone slow!

Fusion said...

@Jomy: Alright the bug is fixed!

@Shadow: Sorry, a lot of people are asking to be leaders right now so I don't know

@Leinardo: Hmmm what part of the site do you want to help with? Could you make some banners or any other art?

Fusion said...

I finished my logo for the creation lab!

Jomy582 said...

Yo fusion nice job! I haven't made one yet (and don't know if I ever will) also I'm posting from my iPod right now :P

Fusion said...

I still need to submit mine lol. Cool, I post from my phone :-)

Anonymous said...

this is shadow96 anybody vote that they should make a paradox ninja/shinobi kit? with like a special ninja sai sword? (a sai is a short katana approx 12-24 inches) that would be cool :D and what faction is the cowboy in at the avant picnic area??? lol

Darkx said...

dont know if if i ever will:) i posted some cool videos on my blog

Furret said...

hey guys, Furret here.
did anybody see the new video on about LUPS? i did, and at the last 3/4s of the viedo have sneek peaks about new worlds. one looks like a giant island shaped like skull and crossbones, and the other one looks like an incomplete lego city. Let me know if anybody has further thoughts on what those worlds might be, cause I'm really curious.

here's the link:

Peace Out,
Furret, Team Nexus Delta Member

Anonymous said...

this is shadow96 @ peterthegreat thx i think i might go with samurai then :)

Anonymous said...

this is shadow96 hey fusion what is your MLN user cause i couldn't find your creation on the thing unless it was the one called fusion.

by the way be my friend on MLN my user is RIKENS

:D :) :P

Anonymous said...

shadow 96: @ maelsorcerer wow cool vortex thing!

Jomy582 said...

ITS MONDAY! new red vs blue today :-)

BetaMaster said...

how do i rank up in the "team rankings" it sayes i am level 1 with 2 points, so how do i rank up?

Jomy582 said...

I submitted my symbol! it called "The Hand"

Anonymous said...

hey fusion am i paradox leader for the team? yes its me dark

Imaginatrix said...

hey people! LEGO Universe is now open 24/7! so get playing!

BetaMaster said...

hey guys, the game was open august 23! it is awesome!

Fusion said...

Thank you Imaginatrix! Is that really you? Lol

Darkx said...

Imaginatrix lol

Darkx said...

hey fusion am i paradox leader for the team?

Jomy582 said...


Jomy582 said...

the game was open today and i missed it! grrr. and why does Betamasters link on his name bring us to and imaginatrix's

Jomy582 said...

paradox wins the pole with sentinel in second assembly in third and venture in fourth

Jomy582 said...

did you guys now that we are in WIKIPIDIA! under the official lego universe topic.
im really posting a lot at this time

Darkx said...

i missed it today too :(

Fusion said...

Beta Master are you pretending to be Imaginatrix?

PeterTheGreat said...

Darn it, I missed it too! Oh well, I was away from home most of the day anyhow, so there was no way I could have played. But still, GRR!

@Shadow96: no problem. I'm going to be trying out various specialties throughout the remainder of Beta, and putting me findings on the boards. Of course, everyone has already done that, but every little bit of tester feedback counts, doesn't it?

Fusion said...

What time was it at?

Fusion said...

@Darkx: Maybe we should have all the members vote who they think should be Paradox Captain.

Darkx said...

good idea fusion

Maelsorcerer said...

Hello everyone! It's awesome that the game is open 24/7 soon, and WOW beta 500k for a crown that is nuts! So, I just wanted to let everyone know that I won't be on as much as i was before because school has started for me :( I will make it to the meetings (as long as they are on weekends) Have a great rest of the summer everyone else!

BetaMaster said...

@fusion answer to question 1: yes sorry i am pretending, he would never come here :P

@fusion answer 2: it was at 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM

(LOL! did some of you think that was imaginatrix?!)

BetaMaster said...

is there an assembly captain?

Fusion said...

@Maelsorcerer: School started for me too so I'll make sure the meetings are at good times. Also, I saw the logo you made it's AWESOME!

Coming soon in the next update: The Nexus Delta Captain Election, poll results, and more!

BetaMaster said...

captain election? VOTE FOR ME!!! FOR ASSEMBLY CAPTAIN!!!

Darkx said...

school started for me too :(

Jomy582 said...


Jomy582 said...

forgot about time zones the session starts at noon EST and school starts for me in a week :(

PatchM142 said...

Hello. I need some assistance on an issue I have been having (No, not the infamous Patcher problem). I also have a request. I see that one of your members is a character named Snickers. I know a person might be able to locate him. I have been trying to find him myself for a while. I think he has been playing as a different character, and I would like to find him. Can you help? I can repay you guys somehow...

PatchM142 said...

Oh, and by the way, I have found BetaMaster very loyal. If I was a member he would get my vote.

GoldFlame said...

HA!! ive been doing school nonstop for 3 years. NO SUMMER BREAKS.... anyways.... i cant wait for the nexus delta center to open, oh and fusion when are you gonna make the page for the vendor? oh yeah i almost forgot....NEXUS DELTA FOREVER!!!!!!

BetaMaster said...

well, lego universe was on again today, jammy was there, it was on for about 2 seconds like he told me, it was at 10:03 to 10:04

Anonymous said...

shadow96: i vote for beta to be assembly captain!

vote for me to be venture lieutenant! plz!

(p.s. i am in a hotel in the florida springs right now... yay for me!) :D

Fusion said...

@PatchM142: I have been looking for him for a LONG time! I don't know if I will be able to locate him, but does your friend know his new character?

@Gold: Soon :)

@Everyone: Captain election sign-ups are coming today!

Jomy582 said...

Hey beta, i was going to say more but it logged me out. there was a one hour test session today from noon EST one EST to test the warning messages (like the messages saying "the racing competition has started") it was announced on the message boards. also if you noticed i posted on the real topic to check wikipidia cuz were on it. hopefully more people come

Leinardo said...

@ Fusion yeah I could do that... What I was meaning is that if you need any help with actually managing the site, adding features ect. could I help with that also?

BetaMaster said...

i have heard that players characters will be wiped out during the 24/7 release, and that we would have to restart. Is this true?

PatchM142 said...

I don't know if she can find him...I was talking to Snickers---THE Snickers under this character name a few weeks ago. I will try to find him.

The issue I forgot to mention has the models to blame. A trouble with the ship models...again. I will give you more details later.

Jomy582 said...

Time to talk: BETA HAD A FIRE TORNADO!!!!!! i had a car crash on my street today. lol not at all as cool as a fire tornado
@Fusion: why is there a word we have to write write after we wanna post coments?

BetaMaster said...

hi patch! nice to know you are still alive!

BetaMaster said...

BetaMaster said...

hey fusion, i am downloading star wars the force unleashed II!!!! and i am not telling how :P

BetaMaster said...

PatchM142 said...

Oh, and by the way, I have found BetaMaster very loyal. If I was a member he would get my vote

thanks patch! oh and i though you where a member>

BetaMaster said...

hey jammy and fusion! i see we three are chating right now

BetaMaster said...

holyabolony!!! i am posting a lot

Fusion said...

Hackzzz you're hacking the force unleashed aren't you?
Also what is that link

BetaMaster said...

link? oh ya that, it was accident lol it is a Lego universe picture link

Fusion said...

nevermind the link is that pic i posted

BetaMaster said...

Fusion said...

Hackzzz you're hacking the force unleashed aren't you?

o.o well.... aww MAN! you guessed it fusion :( i was hopping you would all ask me "how on earth did you do that?!" lol :()

BetaMaster said...

interrogative Lego dude jigbop;bjhlkdnhdkkkkkkvbsf

Fusion said...

I know how people get it lol. A lot of games get released too early by hackers

Fusion said...

Halo Reach coming soon!

BetaMaster said...

halo? isn't that like the thing that flotes above a good person?

BetaMaster said...

oh force unleashed is %82 present done!

Fusion said...

You dont know what Halo is?! The game?!?!

BetaMaster said...

oh, ya halo, ya i know lol

Fusion said...

It's only the best game ever made lol. I like the force unleashed too though

BetaMaster said...

but i dont like halo

BetaMaster said...

do you have the game program Steam?

Fusion said...

Fusion said...

Also I should add a chat page lol

BetaMaster said...

i have made video games it involves stuff like this


BetaMaster said...

ya, a chat page that has pages

Jomy582 said...

hey guys i was just watching some RvB i do that when im bored

Fusion said...

I saw the new one

BetaMaster said...



Jomy582 said...

i see that beta is a hacker that doesn't know about halo. thats sad. lol just kidding

BetaMaster said...

hi jammy! what is RvB?

Jomy582 said...

sarge starts singing about casual stuff: Nothing to see here, whats over there?
Caboose: Is that a red
Caboose: why is he acting so casual
Church: id on't know
caboose: should we follow him?
Church: you now what i rally don't care.
Caboose: and ive completely forgotten what were talking about.
lol red vs blue is so funny

BetaMaster said...

wow we have been chating a long time

Jomy582 said...

RvB is red vs Blue

Jomy582 said...

i forgot red vs blue is a show based off halo.

BetaMaster said...

jammy i do know about halo, and i dont know much about hacking, the only thing i have ever hacked was my nintendo DS

BetaMaster said...

oh my "hacked" star wars game is ready lol

Jomy582 said...

i have hacked nothing. im clean

Fusion said...

This is Fusion signing off for the day.

BetaMaster said...

ok bye fusion i guess that means we cant chat anymore jammy so cya

Jomy582 said...

are you going to play the star wars battle'hacked"front now? lol and bye fusion

BetaMaster said...

star wars battle? i dont know what game that is

Jomy582 said...

lol everyone is gonna be reading our conversation soon...

GoldFlame said...

o_O what the heck?

Jomy582 said...

oops i really don't know what i said i was tired cause i live in EST and it was like midnight when i was talking

BetaMaster said...

ya :Y

BetaMaster said...


PatchM142 said...

I find it strange that almost everyone I know is a member of the Nexus Delta. Anyhow, I think Fusion has the ability to erase old topics here.

Also I am having trouble getting the Grenwich Mean Time correct. What does PST stand for? Pacific Standard time? If that is correct, then the game opens 12:00pm EST.

Fusion said...

Nooo we lost our wiki page :(

@patch: Yeah we're pretty big hehe. When does the game go 24/7?

GoldFlame said...

uhhh i never found the wiki page(before it was deleted) wrote more articles on my wiki soo check them out when you get the chance.

P.S. for those who dont know what im talking about, theres the address. tell me what you think!

Jomy582 said...

NOOOOOOO now how are the newbies gonna get here. now we have to tell them in game. and does anyone have a wikipidia account so they can edit us back in?

BetaMaster said...

it is back now:P

MagicMan said...

If you believe in yourself, all your dreams can come true.

Jomy582 said...

alright whos magic man?

BetaMaster said...

MagicMan said...

If you believe in yourself, all your dreams can come true.

my answer is "YOU ARE IN LA LA LAND"

Fusion said...

It's probably just BetaMaster AGAIN lol

BetaMaster said...

THIS time its not me fusion....

BetaMaster said...

hey i made this game called Machinarium

Jomy582 said...

lol beta is that you?

BetaMaster said...



BetaMaster said...

the guy named magicman is not me

BetaMaster said...

and you can buy Machinarium on Steam for 19.00 dollars:)

BetaMaster said...

i am eating spam right now! (and i dont mean the food) i am just reaching inside my computer, and taking out all of the spam in it and then eating it:P

BetaMaster said... go to that too see what i am pulling out of my computer, don't worry it wont spam your computer [:p]

BetaMaster said...


BetaMaster said...

here's looking at you jammy BARF HIP HIP HURRAY

sorry about all these strange posts, some of them where made by my little bro while i was in the bath room.


BetaMaster said...

hey fusion you there?

Fusion said...

My Spam auto detect system works!

BetaMaster said...

lol awesome! how does it work?

Fusion said...

It deletes all your ZPAM

BetaMaster said...

is this spam? tyjib0rphitjwecvmlkhw

Jomy582 said...

ok then beta. and barf hip hip hooray? are you ok?

BetaMaster said...

or this? nnnbgrsbwgstrgdgdg

Fusion said...

You are the only member who has spammed

BetaMaster said...

hey the new lego universe is ready to download

BetaMaster said...

wait, does that mean i get a dermatit? they where just jockes lol

BetaMaster said...

not really jammy, i just spazzed out lol! i am fine now tho

Jomy582 said...

hey beta you actually made that game?

BetaMaster said...

oh and jammy some of those post where from my bro while i was in the bathroom lol

BetaMaster said...

hey guys! guess what! i have heard that the new LU patch will delete our guys!

BetaMaster said...

Jomy582 said...

hey beta you actually made that game?

well, no but i had the idea for that game first:( i was going to make it into a game but they stole the idea`

BetaMaster said...

i got to go brb in 15-20 minutes

Jomy582 said...

ok well i got to go now but ill be on later

BetaMaster said...

ok i am back

MagicMan said...

The Universe is almost at stage 3

Jomy582 said...

i think magic man is fusion

Jomy582 said...

and what is stage 3?

Fusion said...

I still think it's BetaMaster I mean why isn't he posting?

Jomy582 said...

hmmm BATA ARE YOU THERE and i have an idea for the squads. the captains can make their own blogs and have news on their squad there

Fusion said...

No, this is the only blog for the team

Jomy582 said...

ok and i gotta go now bye

Fusion said...

Bye Jammy

BetaMaster said...

ok i am back

BetaMaster said...

hey guys the "full download error" if not fixed:)

Fusion said...

I'm Fusion and this is my favorite team in the Universe.

BetaMaster said...

I am BetaMaster and this is my favorite team in the Universe.

Fusion said...

hey fusion this is BetaMaster look what i can do with my name:) it looks like i am you

BetaMaster said...

hi fusion

BetaMaster said...

hey fusion, do you approve the comments or do they do it outomadicly?

BetaMaster said...

I am Anonymous, and this is my favorite team in the Universe.

Jomy582 said...

I am jomy582 and this is my favorite team in the universe

PatchM142 said...

You certainly are becoming a very powerful team.

BetaMaster said...

cumon patch say it:)

say "I am ____ and this is my my favorite team in the Universe."

or is it not your fav?

BetaMaster said...

i know some who have broke the declaration of secrecy! they are called tentacool, FunnyOldToast, YummyCarbornChrackers, CloudyClearMoon, ModernGracefullWolf, MrPotter, (here is one guys username) YoHanPaladin, and thats all i know.

CapnMike said...

This thing is sooooo long! lol

Jomy582 said...

on the nexus delta topic FlameforJesus said that he got logged on for a milisecond and saw our chareters wiped :( i worked so hard on this Jomy582

Fusion said...

Noooo Fusion is wiped?

Jomy582 said...


Fusion said...

You're kidding.... right? It's a Beta we can't pay for a Beta, it's BETA!!!!

Jomy582 said...

I NO!!!!!!!!!!! its just one buck a week though. i just have enough for the full release im not paying for beta

BetaMaster said...

i dont mind:) it is just 3/4 for dollers we will have to pay until we can stop, so i dont mind

Jomy582 said...

well i just had a thought that everyone can play but to get the one month subscription ans t-shirrt you have to pay. its just a thought

BetaMaster said...

guys it is just to test the "pay" system, it is part of beta, why do you think they are only making us pay $1

BetaMaster said...

i wouldn't mind a wipe:( i wish i had a new guy,

BUT THINK!!! this new patch could have assembly inventor, paradox shnobi, sentinel space ranger, venture adventurer.:)

GoldFlame said...

i swear...i thought i was random.

Jomy582 said...

i heard LU opens tommarow hopefully we don't have to pay

BetaMaster said...

for allowance, once a week i get $20.00 a week so i can pay for beta and full release.

BetaMaster said...

hey guys, a glitch just happend and i got to play, but it wasn't with the guys i made and i got to play with one for ten seconds and HE HAD ALL THE FACTION ITEMS FROM ASSEMBLY, PARADOX, VENTURE, AND SENTINEL!!! PLUS HE HAS $99,999,999 MONEY! AND INF. HEART AND INF. ARMOR, AND INF. IMAGINATION!!!!! plus he has every item in the game, and all backpack space!!!!! O_O

CapnMike said...

I didn't get the message, but I'm not paying for beta!!!

Jomy582 said...

The power button on my moniter is busted and i just barely got it on this time. Just lettin you now. ill try not to turn it off but its not gonna last longer than today. so this may be the last of jomy582 dundundun dunnnnn dundundun dunnnnnnnn lol bye

PatchM142 said...

BetaMaster: I have my own views, about the team. I LIKE Nexus Delta. But I am sworn to my other teams as un-famous as they are I would not say this is the best team over them. I don't say that they are the best team either; but I would say that they are as good as any team.

And in reply to the "Paying" Email, can someone copy+paste it here? I never received it and would like full info.

PeterTheGreat said...

To the huge post by BetaMaster, there are 3 misspellings in it.

To the paying thing, OH DANGIT! If we do indeed have to pay for Beta, that's the end of PeterTheGreat. Sorry guys, I just couldn't do that.

BetaMaster said...

ok here

"Dear Beta Tester

You have been a great help, and therefore we would like to invite you to participate in the LEGO® Universe Soft Launch test*. In return, you receive a limited edition LEGO Universe T-shirt and a 1-month subscription as a thank you gift! To activate and use your subscription, you must have the game downloaded to your computer. The subscription can be redeemed once the game has launched on October 26, 2010.

As a Soft Launch tester, you will help get the LEGO Universe billing process ready for launch while continuing the LEGO Universe Closed-Beta. This means setting up weekly subscriptions, and registering as a paying customer.

We want you to be prepared for your experience, so here are a few details to be aware of.

How does it work?
To play LEGO Universe, you will have to pay $1 (USD), $1 (CAD), £1 (GBP) or €1 (EUR) once a week for a maximum of four weeks until the 17th of September. If you choose to auto-renew, the amount will automatically be withdrawn from your credit card, and your game time will continue uninterrupted. If you choose not to, please note that you will have to purchase a new subscription every week in order to play.

To get started please register here, and then go to the billing section to set up your subscription. Please note that the first week is free, hereafter payment is required!

If you have any problems please contact us at:

Europe: Consumer Service support is available in German and English from 10.00am to 04.00pm CEST, BST on 00800 53460000

US: Consumer Service support is available from 10.00am to 04.00pm EST on 877-779-0654

Thank you for contributing to LEGO Universe

- The LEGO Universe Team

* If you are under 18 years of age, please make sure that your legal guardian is present to accept the conditions for participating in the Soft Launch test."

and patch, i didnt know you where in anouther team sorry:(

Fusion said...

I can't wait until school is over

BetaMaster said...

in the new beta letter is ayes we get a lego univers t-shirt for paying for beta, is it in-game or in real life?

PeterTheGreat said...

I'd like to see the e-mail too, I never got it.

Anonymous said...

simply dropping by to say hi