Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Roll Call

Now that the Beta has ended, some people are probably not going to be able to play the full game or get the game later. If you can't get the game let me know, and if you are getting the game and still want to be a member you can say that in the comments so that I know you are following the team. I'll post this in the message boards too.

All Nexus Points are going to be reset for the full version, but if you were a dedicated Beta member you will get a great bonus! Also, now that the Beta's over I'm going to start captain electionson saturday for sure, but the post might go up before then, so if you still want to be a captain sign up on one of the previous pages!

The current captains are:

Heavy Duty

If you were a Captain, but don't see your name, sorry but we are having a new election for two new spots, although you can still run to keep your spot.



BetaMaster said...

ok i pre-ordered, and i am running for captain, oh and if you cant find my post here it is.

"Name: BetaMaster
Faction: Assembly
Rank: 3
Why i want to be a captain: I want to be a captain because, I have been the leader of a another team before, and i think i did a good job keeping up with everything in my team, like, keeping up with the games and the prizes, and the team meetings, i have not been going to this teams meetings because 1 i couldn't find the topic on the message boards, and 2 i could not get into this web site for a while.

Why people should vote for me? i will attend all the meetings unless i am in school or on vacation with no lap-top, i will help think of cool games! (if that is something a captain does) I WILL MAKE SURE THE NEXUS DELTA VAULT ALWAYS HAS AT LEAST 50,000 MONEY IN IT!!! i will try hard make sure the team meetings are at a time where all can attend! i will help anyone who needs help getting to the next rank or needing help getting a piece in there faction(money wise), i will teach how to people farm money and tokens(a good way), sooooooo.... i guess that's all.(lol a lot of stuff)

Notes On What Kind of Person I am:
i try to be nice to people, sometimes i talk a lot, i try to help people who are new to LU, i help people who need to talk to a mod, i try real hard attend all my friends party's that they invite me to even if i am already at a friends party i will stay there for a little while then after about 20 minutes i go the other friends party. Well i don't want to get into much detail on who i am, but i am a nice guy(am i?) just ask my friends.


So hows that?

victory7\cobra said...

im gonna buy it

Jomy582 said...

im gonna get it but im not pre ordering. you also didn't update my points for the last posts. and why wern't u at the Nexus Delta BETA Bash

PatchM142 said...

I SUPPOSE I might run for Assembly Captain, or Vice-Captain. Whatever is available....well, maybe.

PatchM142 said...

Wow, I guess you are online now. I will fill out my form.

PatchM142 said...

Name: PatchM142
Faction: Assembly VICE-Captain
Why I want to be captain:

I am not saying I am the best choice for vice-captain at anything. I'm not saying that I'm not.

I would like to be on; yes, I would. I have minimal experience running a team, so I would like to improve by becoming a Vice-Captain. Take a look at my Assembly Council topic.

The key-word is not "My". I want to improve relations between SKIS and Nexus Delta. A team is not the leader's team. A team is everyone's team. I cannot stress this enough.

I can make it to meetings, or I shall try. I can assist in building the SECOND Nexus Delta Base; I will make sure my Assembly Faction friends will be assisting the Assembly Captain. But if I can do these things, I WILL try my hardest to do these things.

Public relations are what build a team. Public relations are what break a team.

So, if you don't think I am the Best Assembly Vice-Captain, I am not. I can try to be, but I'm not.
I would rather do what you want.

Really, that's why I want to be captain. If you don't value me, well, thanks for making it to the end of this speech.

So...May the best builder win.


BetaMaster said...

Jomy582 said...
im gonna get it but im not pre ordering. you also didn't update my points for the last posts. and why wern't u at the Nexus Delta BETA Bash

September 28, 2010 1:34 PM

@are you talking ot me? if so, i was not able to play that day.

"See You all in the Universe!"

Signed, BetaMaster

Sliiinky said...

Running for: Really Nice unmean deal settling helpful Fail Leader

Why i want to be the Really Nice unmean deal settling helpful Fail Leader...Cause i want to

PluggedIn said...

I will not be buying the full game. You will have to find someone else to replace me as captain.

I may eventually get the game (maybe if it gets cheaper..), so I will still follow this blog if that's alright.

Fusion said...

HeavyDuty, you can follow the blog anytime. Don't worry because I'll still have you as a member and if you want you can help me with the site.

Jomy582 said...

LU Name: Jomy582
Faction: Assembly
Rank: 3
Why i want to be captain/Why people should vote for me: "Music starts playing" I want to be captain because i am a good and loyal team member who can go to meetings whenever i can and that being a captain would give people in this group a good feeling that they are proud to be a Nexus Delta team member!You the Nexus Delta Members Deserve a captain so awesome (but not as awesome as fusion) that you wouldn't even think about a guy that is called Jammy. But you are mistaken this "Jammy" will make the lives of yours and others in this universe better for the next two months before beta testing closes. So live these two months with pride and vote for Jomy582! "music stops".
@BetaMaster: no i was talking to fusion.

Anonymous said...

I guess i can assist in building the new base, i have no use of my blocks, so yeah, if thats helpful

Leinardo said...

Sorry I can't buy the game. I might later on if the price goes down, but right now 140 dollars for playing a game for 1 year seems a little bit too much.

PatchM142 said...

Oh... competition. I am glad I am running for Vice-Captain...well, if that position exists.

Jomy582 said...

i forgot to mention that my sign up was copied from the captain sign up page

PatchM142 said...

MY PRE-ORDER ARRIVED TODAY! Oops, that sounded crazy. IT'S HERE!

Jomy582 said...

THEY ARE MAKING UPDATE TESTERS TO TEST FUTURE CONTENT!! look at the Beta Testers-Update testars topic!

BetaMaster said...

Jomy582 said...
THEY ARE MAKING UPDATE TESTERS TO TEST FUTURE CONTENT!! look at the Beta Testers-Update testars topic!

September 30, 2010 2:35 PM

@ i cant find it, can you post the link? oh and patch, where do you live, well, i mean, like mashington, canada, nevada

GoldFlame said...

Hey, i preordered and would like to be a captain, i dont know if i can being the vendor already... anyways...uh...sorry i wasnt at the Beta party, i was grounded, blasted grades...

uhh...do i really need to post who i am? cause i sure everybody already knows me...ill post it anyway

Name: GoldFlame

Id like to be a captain to improve my skills as a leader, despite never owning a team.

Why should i be voted for? Well for starters im on LU almost 24/7 (advantage of being homeschooled ^_^) im always at meetings unless something goes wrong. A lot of people know who i am, even random people in the universe. Im excellent at battle and traverse training(traverse training, getting from point A to point B as fast as you can) im good at making wisecracks and being random. never too stern to other members, and always available to help people.

so...yeah thats all of it...oh good luck patch and beta, i think you two will do better than me

PatchM142 said...


Ontario, Canada. It came by FedEx mail.

Fusion said...

Canadians must be special.

Corbin said...

I am still in!

BetaMaster said...

ok thanks patch, that must mean mine should come anyday now!:)


well i hope so =_=

Jomy582 said...

Here is the link:

Tweet said...

Hey guys im really sorry i've been "absent" mainly i was on vacation this week and my computer is broken down. So i did pre-order but i need to get a new motherboard to play anytime soon. So it could be a while before i get on...

PatchM142 said...

Tweedle...what now?

What thing went wrong with it? One of the cheap coils that wrap around the edge of the circuit?

Tweet said...

Patch, i really have no clue all i know is its not the hard drives, its not the vid card, its not the ram, so it has to be the mother board.

PatchM142 said...

What if it isn't? Have you considered the possible problem with the computer memory? It affects the screen, the Hard Drive, THE MOTHER BOARD, and whatever else.

Tweet said...

Yeah i checked, that was one of the first things i checked. I have an older model of the same motherboard so i'll check and see... Either way it'll cost me $50or more.

PatchM142 said...

Groan...well, I have never had a problem like that. They make them pretty cheap now, too...they won't last as long. Anyway, good luck