Friday, October 29, 2010


I have the game now! Now that I am in the game, I will start organizing meetings and events. My name is still Fusion, so friend me when you can! I'll see you in the Universe.

Starting from Scratch



Unstoppable Force



Jomy582 said...

Yay! i might get the game tommorow. if i can finish a stupid takehome test in time... grrrrr

Jomy582 said...

Now that me and BETA r captians... wat do we do?

Fusion said...

Unless I arrange a tie breaker....

Jomy582 said...

wat? u said there r 2 captian slots open!

BetaMaster said...

you go tot be kidding me fusion, i worked so hard, please no tie breakers, plus, there are two captains spots open >:()

Sliiinky said...

Fusion. Im sorta sad to say this, but as of now, I wont get the game.

Ive been saving up money for a bunch of important things that cost alot, so i guess i wont get LU by the time everyone else will. Maybe December, or later.

So as of today, I wont be in LU. Plz dont remove me from anything, just put (temporarily out) beside my name in anything that includes my name. Ill respond to everyone possibly twice a month, maybe more. Soo... keep me in stuff. I dont want to be alone XD


Anonymous said...

Yeah tie breaker! And maybe a boxing match in between!


Anonymous said...

Thats ok Sliiinky i wont be getting it untill a week before christmas too!


Fusion said...

I will post a gameplay video soon!

Corbin said...

@Fusion how do you make those screen shots so good???

glad your in the game! and hope to see you powerful and a
looking epic soon!!

ps hahaha i already look epic!

Fusion said...

Shift+PrntScrn and then copy/paste into photoshop

Jomy582 said...

Muahahahahaha fusion can u make vids? well i can! he he he once i get LU im gonna make a guy called: ImFilming. he is gonna be my filming guy!

Jomy582 said...

Is that shirt u have from a mission or something else?

Jomy582 said...

@Fusion: changed ur profile pic again? thats like ur 10th time! lol

Corbin said...

HEY jomy! i was going to start a you tube page for me to make awesome epic vids too lol jk its fine :P :) i have a software that i use for gaming on my pc too :)


Jomy582 said...

Lol the n00bs... theres this kid on youtube (watched part of his LU walkthrough) who has a friend who "thinks" he is the most expierenced LU player ever. He is all like "ya, ive been waiting for the game since day 1" he is like going ummmmm on the easiest missions when we all can go there it is and he will go ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm there it is. im very hyper right now. don't know how that affects my typing but ok.

Jomy582 said...

wat do u have? and fusion r u online?

Jomy582 said...

wow... in your time zone its only 7:49. here its 10:49!

Jomy582 said...

thats 6 post in a row with knoxes inturruption. make that 7 posts now! :P

Corbin said...

wait why are our post going so fast????

SYSTEM said...


Jomy582 said...

When i became an author i can post without having fusions approval!

BetaMaster said...


Corbin said...

ugh not fair

PatchM143 said...

Grrr....the game deleted my shield of shielding. Anyone got some potion?

Hey, MY name is in one of the screen shots. Lol, the noob one.

Anyhow I'm in game a lot on weekends and after 5:00pm EST during the week (Unless I have homework, which I normally do).

We should set upt the first meeting

PatchM143 said...

@Fusion---SHIFT and prntscreen? I'd been taking screen shots for some time without using shift. I'll try it anyway.

Jomy582 said...

Fusion u use photoshop? Before i had my filming software (it can also take screenshots) i used the printscreen thingy and then used paint. thats how my pfofile pic was made

Jomy582 said...

Fusion: how did u get a purple kantana already? arne't those rare?

Corbin said...

i have one too :P

Fusion said...

Someone gave it to me :)

Jomy582 said...

Ok i just beat t he library on halo! i hate that level. -.-

Fusion said...

I like the third level a lot.

Jomy582 said...

the silent cartographer? i like assult on the control room the best. so far

Anonymous said...

If i remember the name correctly, i like Truth and recociliation the best. Probably my favorite.


Fusion said...

If I remember correctly...

1.Pillar of Autumn
3.Truth and Reconciliation
4.Silent Cartographer

Can't remember if the first two levels are the same one...

Jomy582 said...

Here are all the halo levels:
1. Pillar of Autumn
2. Halo
3. Truth and Reconciliation
4. Silent Cartographer
5. Assult on the Control Room
6. 343 Guilty Spark
7. The Library
8. Two Betrayels
9. Keyes
10. The Maw
10 levels of pure awesomness

PatchM143 said...

I spent money on Epaulets of Authority from someone, and they gave me a free Cadet Helm (Recruiter) with it!

Corbin said...


Anonymous said...

I really want to join. My LU name(hopefully): DantheMan. My faction: Venture. My stats: Newbie.
So can I PLEASE join?
I would have posted in the join section but it was broken.

Jomy582 said...

@Patch: wats that? Epaulets of Authority?
@Everyone: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!

Fusion said...

DantheMan you can join! I will add you to the list soon.

DreadedDan said...

I am 15 hours ahead of PST (14 for PDT). The best time for me (in PST) is Friday or Saturday at 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 PM (that is the latest I think you guys will play, unless you can do 2 AM!)
So please make some meetings I can attend.
P.S. I haven't gotten the game yet but I am getting it soon.