Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween to everyone! Get lots of candy today! Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom

Important Update: New Team topic at the regular [not roleplay] LU forums!



Jomy582 said...

Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom
P.S. its not letting me log in again O.o

Anonymous said...

HAPPY HAPPY Halloween to everybody!

Fusion said...

Happy Legoween!

BetaMaster said...

Today is my parents annaversary and i got $230 todal, now i only need $$20 for my Nintendo 3DS

Jomy582 said...

FINNALLY i just beat halo. hey fusion there is a halo custom edition campaign too. if u wanna know how to play it just ask me. it is WAY harder

Jomy582 said...

@Beta: nice! on my parents anniversary i got $0 so beat that!

Jomy582 said...

ALMOST CANDY TIME! on the east coast. i like free candy :)

Corbin said...



sliiinky said...

im not gettin candy today folks... News said that there is a shooter where i live, and that he was dressed all black, so the police dubbed him Ninja Shooter. Im sooo scared.

Anonymous said...

Hey well i got a sweet set up for my b-day, christmas is the 25th and the next month on the 21st is my b-day! So i get presents one month then more the next month. LOL.

Almost 15- T\/\/EET-

Anonymous said...

So who here is actually going trick or treating? Im not... stopped doing that at 10. Now i just go out and scare little kids with my friends.

Fusion said...

The Ninja Shooter? I am scared for you.

Anonymous said...

Wait? if hes a ninja shooter.... that means he shoots NINJAS!


Fusion said...

I just finished the front of Nexus Delta Base!

Fusion said...

Quick everyone! New Team topic in the regular Lego Universe forum!

Jomy582 said...

Im going trick o treating. where i live your never too old to get free candy. And u did u add a picture fusion!

Jomy582 said...

Hey Fusion why is there a topic in the edit posts section called "What?" saying:
I usually reside to the infinite
You can't find me in a zone
No one is able to find me
yet I can see everyone
The sunset falls on my home
The sea is a boundless paradise

Fusion said...

Well, the weird thing is I really don't know. I am trying to figure out how it got there too :/

Jomy582 said...

O_O wow thats wierd

Jomy582 said...

It was saved on september 30, 2010 and it is a draft. thats really wierd