Monday, October 18, 2010

Improve the team!

As you all know, release is just around the corner and we need to get ready to have a lot of new members coming in.  To make the team better I have made a questionaire that you all can fill out which asks for your opinion on the team and what you want to see in the future.
Please answer honestly and anonymously if you prefer.

Team Questionaire

1. If you could change one thing about the team what would it be? Why?

2. What do you think should be added to the team?

3. What don't you like and how do you think I can improve as a leader?

Thanks for your time!


Jomy582 said...

Ok here i go:
1. I would change the point system to be harder to get points. i got 79 points in a month!
2. I don't think anything should be added. for now, m mind is kinda blank at 10:43 PM
3. Well first off you forgot to go to some meetings in the last days of BETA, and you could set up a poll so we could elect captains!

Corbin said...

Well....I think its great how it is for now but I am with Jomy the pionts needs to be changed.


Corbin said...

Finally here its Thay finally made a new trailer with the whole story now every one doesnt have to fight about it!

PatchM143 said...

Here comes trouble! The Patch is writing:

1. I think that we are in need of a better member-management circulation. Basically we have a prop devoted to office.

2. See #1

3. I think that, as a leader, you need to always be aware of the members, however small. However, you do a fine job already.

Corbin said...

Nice! Patch!

Tweet said...

Yeah jammy if you think your mind is blank at 10:43 you should see my mind 24/7, like no activity at all. And i bet fusions is even worse from playing halo!

Tweet said...

I've been thinking ( its a miracle!) but wheres ops? i think hes posted here only once. And i see him rarely on the roleplay forum.

Fusion said...

I smart and halo is a pretty kool guy, eh kills aliens and doesn't afraid of anything

Jomy582 said...

@ Fusion umm, halo is the ring that is a super weapen. your thinking of master cheif... he he he. im on the assult of the control room level now. u r as stipid as a dumb rock. doy
@Tweet: i once stayed up till 5:00 one day and woke up at 7. i litterly died that day. haven't pulled an all nighter though. i know someone who has pulled 2 all nighters in a row. ya i think i told ops about this place like 10 times. he never comes here.

Corbin said...

lol fusion!

Fusion said...

Jammy's sarcasm detectors are jammed!

Jomy582 said...

@fusion: hoorah!

Tweet said...

Oh dude if u knew me in real life you would probably hate me, im way too sarcastic.

Tweet said...

Ive been up for 24 hrs before Jomy, actually no more like 36, friends house all night playing xbox and Wii. Got up at 10 and went to bed late the following day. I was so tired the next day i didnt get up till after one.

Tweet said...

Hey in case u guys missed the giants vs phillies, giants won.

Anonymous said...

Fusion, your a great leader.

Anonymous said...

I got an idea: Youtube. Or something like that. Someone can make movies and vids lol!

Jomy582 said...

HASN't ANYONE LISTENED!!! I TOLD PEOPLE THAT I HAVE A YOUTUBE!!!! just send me vids and i can upload them

Anonymous said...

Calm down Jomy. LOL