Friday, October 8, 2010

Lego Universe Is Open!

If you have pre-ordered the game, you can play now! For everyone else we are going to have  to wait for full release on the 26th. See you all then!


Fusion said...

Patchy, did ya reserve my name? I'm just worried someone took it...

GoldFlame said...

whats the code to get into the lego club? my club subscription just so happened to expire before i could get it....

(STILL!)BetaMaster said...

hey fusio i will see if someone took your name. and if not, i might be able to resurve it?

Jomy582 said...

Is the third faction classes here? starbase? spiderb boss? Forbidden spider cave?

Betamaster said...

hey fusion, patch didnt reserve your name yet, so... well... i... reserved it so no one would take it, i just didnt want it to get taken:( sorry patch,

Fusion said...

Thank you Beta!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who ever preordered, tell us whats new or different!

Fusion said...

What's the game like?

Zethor (The Awesome) said...

*Music stops*
I told you that would happen!
"Bob the Builder!"
Uh-oh the machine's going CRAZY

I wish I could play... I got soft launch but I still can't!

Random quotes from Star Wars,
I am your father...
Its a trap!!!!

Fusion said...

It's a trap!

Zethor said...

Hey.... I caught you first with MY trap!

Zethor said...

You are a fast mod, dude

Zethor said...

Logging ouT!

Fusion said...

I'm a ninja.

Corbin said...

Me and BackBone will be on this whole weeknd come find us!

Jomy582 said...


Jomy582 said...

i meant: Ninja! -.-

Ninja Master Sliiinky said...

We're all ninjas...


I mean


Tweet said...

Is everyone insane or are we really ninjas??? HIIIIIIII YAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! oops was that out loud? Can someone reserve my name too please?

BetaMaster said...

sure tweet, and i pre-ordered, and NOTHING is new.

BetaMaster said...

tweedle, someone took your name

Jomy582 said...

Noone shall take my name! it is too original! well, maybe my other guys, RandomMinifig and Awesomness will be taken.

Jomy582 said...

Ha tweedle! you got to change your name to tweed or tweet

Jomy582 said...

you still havn't posted the Team on the LU boards yet. DO IT NOW FUSION!

Simply Sliiinky said...

@at Tweedle:Maybe Twitter LOL

@Beta: No new worlds or monsters or items!!!!????

@Beta: Is my name taken? if you ran out of space, can someone reserve it a check if its taken or not?

Corbin said...

Guys i am now sentinel as some of you now no :) Knoxes

BetaMaster said...

ok sliinky

Tweet said...

OH MY FREAKING GOD!!!! OK i will personally KILL the person who has my name! IT IS ON! I cant wait till i see me walking around some where....... GO TIME!

Jomy582 said...

Tweet im with you. someone stole my name!!!! AHH IM SO MAD!!!!

Anonymous said...

i cant play because of akamai. it can steal space and info from your computer and it is used to run LU. sorry i probably wont play until i have a solution.
