Sunday, October 10, 2010

Welcome to Team Nexus Delta

This is the new team topic I am going to post, please let me know what you think before I post it!

Welcome to Team Nexus Delta!

This is a team that meets up to take part in fun events and competitions in Lego Universe! We accept any and all new members, and keep track of them too, as we have a ranking system to make sure team members are rewarded. We were the largest team in the Lego Universe Beta and we are working hard to prepare for the full release.

-The Rankings-

As a member of the Nexus Delta you will be ranked in your position in the group, as well as have a certain job in the group. The current rankings are as follows:

Leader: Fusion
Team Captains: 7op, Tweedle

Dedicated Beta Members: Jomy582, BetaMaster, ProfessorBooster, HeavyDuty, Knoxes, CapnMike, LeinardoSmith, Victory7, Maelsorcerer, Darkx, GoldFlame, Uhtip13, Zethor, Casey113, CB0Y, TB0Y, Snicker, Sliiinky, LegoCastleBuilder, FireEagleFight, Shadow96, SpecialOpsTrooper, PatchM142, and so many more!

Team Rankings/Points needed to reach rank

Rank 1: 5
Rank 2: 10
Rank 3: 25
Rank 4: 50
Rank 5: 100
Rank 6: 150
Rank 7: 250
Super Member: 300
Elite Member: 400
Legendary Member: 600
Top Member: 700

Captain Ranks

Captain: 0
Star Captain: 10
Lead Captain: 50
Brigadier: 80
Commander: 150
Elite Commander: 250
Supreme Commander: 400
General: 700
Lead General: 1,000

Members will be posted as needed.

-Point System-

The points system used in the Nexus Delta makes sure that all members have a good chance of ranking up. You can earn "Nexus Points" by doing many different things in the group such as donating to the group Vault, building, winning competitions, going to meetings, and much more!

More about this system and other things such as the Vault and Ranking System will be explained later.

-Group Beta Stats-
Over 50 members, 1000 topic replies, and more than 10,000 views! The team VAULT had over 1.5 million coins at the end of the Beta!

There are a lot of fun things for this group and I am hoping that everyone has a lot of fun!




Jomy582 said...

Hoorah! awesome post

Jomy582 said...

Fusion you so copyed the poll from the site

BetaMaster said...

its great! when are you going to elect captains? oh and i will have a Nexus Delat suprise waiting for you when you buy the game, shadow96 and patch and some other people helped:) oh and you can now say peoples names in LU now, so i can say jomy582 or luigi or even BetaMaster

BetaMaster said...

someone took your name jammy, but i will give him a piece of my mond

Corbin said...

thats nice, can i be on the team captains list to be voted in plz i no its realy too late!

Sliiinky said...

@Fusion:Epic post. Im so happy that we betas are all dedicated members

@Beta:is my name available

Jomy582 said...


Jomy582 said...

No school today! yay for columbus

Fusion said...

I had school today, but not on Friday :/

PluggedIn said...

Hi Fusion. I really like the new team topic. Maybe you should change the "lead general" captain rank to "5 stud general" :-)

Fusion said...

@HeavyDuty: That's an awesome idea, but I already submiitted the topic :(

PatchM142 said...

I have not begun any work to create a backup base yet (BetaMaster's is AMAZING), but none the less, the team will be fun!

Corbin said...

yes beta masters is like toatally awesome

Tweet said...

HEY GUYS! I HAVE GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!! Im finally getting a pc that can play LU! I dont know when but it will probably be here around the "official launch. SEE YOU IN LU! Oh and fusion i suggest getting BF bad company 2 for pc because i will be playing that too.

Fusion said...

Tweet! I'm getting it at launch too, and whoever took your name must be someone we know.... oh and you should get Halo Reach! It's amaaazingly ossim! BF: BC2 is next on my games list though...

BetaMaster said...

Knoxes said...
"yes beta masters is like toatally awesome"

Thanks, but why did you say that?

victory7\cobra said...

if i know you (im cobta\victory7\ultraeonpower\irondragoncobra.) plz come to cobras friends on blogger

Jomy582 said...

Whole new look to! @BetaMaster: you made a base? do the mods approve props faster now? is my name really stolen? so many questions...

Tweet said...

Yeah i hope its no one i know that i TALK to... its probably someone that saw me and liked my name and said "Oh that looks cool i might as well take it"...... idiots....