Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Alliance

If anyone has been checking the message boards lately then you will have noticed that SKIS and The Imagination Nation are trying to form an alliance with our own team. We have always been somewhat of a friend with SKIS, but have not joined together or anything. I don't see the benefit in having an alliance with other teams yet as the game has been out for only one month. I want this team to be the largest, best, and most organized team there is. For some reason a lot of members feel the need to either start their own team or join another one while still being a member of this one. Now I don't know what is so appealing about starting a team to ignore the team they actually joined, but it has been happening since the start of the team.

I will not accept members who can't decide what team they are on, and I know it sounds a little harsh, but I actually want dedicated members who want to be a part of this team. I think it would be fun to have meetings and competitions with other teams, but to start a team of teams is just unnecessary. Let me know what you think about all this in the comments.

Remember: MEETING TODAY AT 5-6PM Central Time! Knoxes' Avant Prop!


Brigs said...

Well, I have joined a few groups and all, but Nexus Delta is the best team I ever seen. I feel it is okay to join other teams, but not just dump the other teams.

BetaMaster said...

no thanks i dont want to join to grupes right now

Jomy582 said...

HEy is the meeting at 12:00 pst still on?

Anonymous said...

Im still loyal to this team, i just dont want for everyone to go to war....


Fusion said...

Meeting today is pushed back, so the photoshoot is the meeting.

PatchM143 said...

We should also consider the fact that Nebula is away right now, and as the leader of SKIS it is probably good to have him.

Corbin said...

I highly say no to making ally's sorry


DreadedDan said...

I agree with you about non-dedicated team jumpers, as I decided to call them. But this alliance wasn't going to be where we have members of the ImagineNation on Team Nexus Delta and not doing anything. It was going to be an alliance where we don't fight and every so often we can have a big group meeting that would be humongous!

FYI I check this every day!

Fusion said...

Yes, I just like to give some of my members some control of the team :). I appreciate your support!

Fusion said...

Also, I am not referring to anything you have done with team jumpers. They have been around for a long time.

DreadedDan said...

you are a good leader Fusion to let your members have some control. I need to do better at that because I forgot to ask my members if it was ok to have an alliance.

And yes, team jumpers have been around for a long time. They were even in Beta. Some members join and then do nothing with the team.

Tweet said...

Yeah i know one team jumper in particular, i think hes tried to join all 3 of our groups. His name is diglett... cant remember the last part, but he does it in roleplay too!

DreadedDan said...

yeah, that diglett guy doesn't even do anything with the teams he joins! He just clogs up the roster!

DreadedDan said...

actually I think diglett joined like 12 teams that he isn't active with a single one!

DreadedDan said...

and when we are doing this alliance, it doesn't mean we have to share money or anything, we just have large group meetings. Kind of like how Canada and US are sord of allied and help each other out and go to parties (wow, talking about LU and I put the world in it)

Not trying to run your team, just tying to clarify things

DreadedDan said...

all I was thinking of this alliance being is a time to chat and have fun and do competitions, not necessarily like states in US where president rules states which rule themselves (here I go again, put politics in it!)

So we don't necessarily share members in one huge roster, we just have parties together and tournaments, not share money or have team jumpers or have a CIA leader.

Tweet said...

I dont think the alliance would be a bad idea, im impartial. But it would be kinda cool if we could get together in a HUGE meeting maybe a couple times a month. And maybe help eachother in survival and such.

Blaze said...

But if we did have a CIA Leader could i be it :P I would make an awsome spy!

DreadedDan said...

Remember this team will start small and stay small if we want. Whenever a new team wants to join the alliance all of the current teams need to decide if they want the team or not. Also, only at certain times will we allow new teams.

BASIC CHARTER (By PatchM143) said...

All teams of the alliance must have a majority vote and at least two people to post a confirmation from their team to join the alliance.

Violence and Vulgar language will not be tolerated. While a team will not be held responsible for a single person't actions, if the team is generally rude it will be asked to resign from the alliance.

The Alliance's power will NOT be held by the strongest team, but by negotiations between the two. This way, if one team wishes to make a decision that could affect the Alliance, it most have a majority vote.

Sign Here please

Jomy582 said...

All teams of the alliance must have a majority vote and at least two people to post a confirmation from their team to join the alliance.

Violence and Vulgar language will not be tolerated. While a team will not be held responsible for a single person't actions, if the team is generally rude it will be asked to resign from the alliance.

The Alliance's power will NOT be held by the strongest team, but by negotiations between the two. This way, if one team wishes to make a decision that could affect the Alliance, it most have a majority vote.


i signed this even though i really dont care...

Anonymous said...

from taz9oz on this i will use the name taz9oz.I'm happy to join ( I'm legomage, brickenstien, legoswipe, and taz9oz in lu)]

DreadedDan said...

'I noticed that on your site you called the CIA a "team of teams, which is just unnecessary."

Let me make it clear to you and all Nexus Delta members that the CIA is NOT a team of teams, rather an alliance between SKIS, Nexus Delta and the Imagine Nation which may have joint meetings and special events together from time to time. Nothing will change with any of the three teams - this is just a way of reaching out to show that we are all partners in the fight against the Maelstrom.

Please consider this when voting whether or not to join the CIA - we would be ecstatic if you did choose to be a part of it.

-Nebula- '

Wanted to make sure you guys see this! Because I also I agree with Nebula and would be honored to have Nexus Delta part of the alliance.

DreadedDan said...

there is a charter? so to confirm the alliance I have to have a vote in my team? Because I already became allied with SKIS.

But I agree with everything else in the charter. But I didn't know we had one. And why isn't it in the CIA topic? It should so more people can see this.

DreadedDan said...

choose your vote wisely