Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Worlds

New worlds in LU were just released yesterday! There are a total of Four new areas to explore, including StarBase! Three of them are LUP worlds called MoonBase, DeepFreeze, and Portabello. Each of these worlds has about three missions which help you to unlock now rocket parts. I will be releasing a video walk-through of the worlds soon!

Picture Perfect

New Friends

Random Guy who gave me 1K coins for no reason...


Fusion said...

@Jammy: In your youtube vid, I thought the volume was kinda low, and I couldn't hear you that well.

Jomy582 said...

Ya im still working out the kinks. remember i dont really sound like that.

Fusion said...

Yeah, kinda hard to hear.

Fusion said...

I'm online right now btw, and accepting comments and stuff

Jomy582 said...


Jomy582 said...

wanna play halo now?

Fusion said...

Yeah, but I have to see if I can install on this comp

Jomy582 said...

oky doky

Jomy582 said...

I just saw vids of the new worlds! MAELSTROM ALIENS, BEAVERS, AND DARK ONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fusion said...

I can go see if I can put it on the laptop tho

Fusion said...

I am gonna come back in ten min and let you know

Jomy582 said...


Jomy582 said...

ill be on youtube, probably

Jomy582 said...


lol 14 comments in like 5 minutes

Jomy582 said...

Did u install it yet?

Fusion said...

I just found my Activation Key, I just need the Custom Edition right?

Jomy582 said...


Fusion said...

It says it will take 20 min

Jomy582 said...

Hmmm ok. I got no school tomorrow so it's ok

Fusion said...

Cool me too!

Jomy582 said...

is it done yet?

Fusion said...

Nope, I hate my internet

Jomy582 said...

ya mine is acting up too. connect, not connect, connect, not connect

Fusion said...

Okay, done in about 5 minutes and I have to still install Extinction so maybe a bit more

Jomy582 said...


Fusion said...

Finished, just need extinction

Fusion said...

Once it's done where do I put the map file?

Jomy582 said...

open to where u installed it, go to maps then move it there

Fusion said...

Okay, are you gonna make a game lobby?

Jomy582 said...

ya ill do that

Jomy582 said...

itll be nexus delta

Fusion said...

Make it Extinction :P

Jomy582 said...

it is made

Fusion said...

for the map

Fusion said...

You can expect me in the lobby in 4 minutes

Jomy582 said...


Fusion said...

I can't find the lobby, do you have the latest patch and did you set the map to regular extinction?

Jomy582 said...

ya one sec let me check

Jomy582 said...

try now

Fusion said...

Hey I can't find it but can you see one that is called "Extinction bot free n ban free"? Join it if you can

Jomy582 said...

fusion? how about u make a game

Jomy582 said...


Jomy582 said...


Jomy582 said...

i joined Extinction Botfree and Banfree

Fusion said...

Weird, I don't see you

Fusion said...

wait a sec...

Fusion said...

It said 1 player and when I join you aren't there

Jomy582 said...

join the server called: Halo

Fusion said...

I made one called: Fooosion. Join that one and if that doesn't work I may need to see about a new patch

Jomy582 said...

no im gonna try to patch brb

Jomy582 said...

ok patched, but nothing was new im gonna tryagain, ok?

Jomy582 said...

Lets try it simmple, join a bloodgulch game called: Tia Eva

Jomy582 said...

nvm that needs a password

Jomy582 said...

Try bloodgulch called: ACM1PT

Fusion said...

Make it a simple map

Fusion said...


Fusion said...

Don't see it... try this one: (^_^) DGClan and the map is extinction

Jomy582 said...


Jomy582 said...

now i dont see it! but one second brb for a little

Fusion said...

My profile name is Fusion

Jomy582 said...

i just reinstalled let me try agian

Jomy582 said...


Fusion said...

I see you!

Fusion said...

How do you talk lol

Jomy582 said...

Use y or change it to any key u want

Fusion said...

Its not working for me

Jomy582 said...

brb fusion be back on soon

Fusion said...

Join the server with the same name but the one with Blood Gulch this time

Jomy582 said...

go to settings, then controls, then MISC. then choos the butten u want to use

Fusion said...

I have to go Jammy, and I think something is wrong with my comp because when I try and talk it won't send the message and I can't see any conversations...

Jomy582 said...

i got to go to so bye!

Corbin said...

@Fusiion lol the new world would be a great place for a meeting because there is only one server! :P


Grounded GoldFlame said...

why me? grrrrrrr.....

i like the moonbase the best....

and now for a random quote....

"Never try to fully uunderstand a female's mind, if you will slowly slip into madness..."

BetaMaster said...

IS noone sad that i am leaving and cant be back for a while. :(

Fusion said...

I am sad! :(

Jomy582 said...

I was sad. remember i said NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO by BetaMaster, hope you get the game soon!

GoldFlame said...

Ahhhh sorry beta, i hope you can get it soon...
on another birthday is in 3 months! 23rd of february! yeaaaaah....

Anonymous said...

Lol nice quote flame! I know ive said this a million times but....... OPS IS AFRAID OF GIRLS!!! ROFL ROFL ROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFOLROFLRO!!!! HA!!!! Ok im good now... oh by the way gold my b-day is january 21st! Only 2 days and a month from urs.


Anonymous said...

Oh about you being grounded, i feel u dude. Ive been grounded for over 3 months.... got a couple of bad grades and my dad took the DVD player that I BOUGHT. Well i kinda took it back. :D Thats why i havent been able to play LU.


Corbin said...

@Fusion and Jomy

Title- WHY!?

Ok this just isnt fair you two get to easily talk to each other and we dont! i would love to become a part of the talking and i do also play halo for the PC i have had it for a long long time so FUSION why not if jomy can why cant we :( :''(

Knoxes of KnockBack

Jomy582 said...

@GoldFlame: MY BIRTHDAY IS 3 DAYS AFTER URS! mine is the 26th

GoldFlame said...

Awesome Jomy. and its nice hearing from you tweet. im not neccisarilly(i hope i spelled that right) afraid of girls...i just like keeping my distance. then again one of my best friends in life is a girl....soo yeaaah..

GoldFlame said...

oh and fusion, im gonna need to be an author so i can modify the vendor page

Fusion said...

Take it easy everyone, I'm planning on adding a mini-forum

Fusion said...

@Gold-I still need to fix that page, it's acting weird and won't let comments show up.

Anonymous said...

Its kinda hard too keep ur distance in highschool.


Corbin said...

@Fusion How?

GoldFlame said...

@Tweet Tis not that bad when youre homeschooled lol...but then again...when youre mom is the cheerleaders coach for your church...*shudders* help me....