Saturday, December 18, 2010

Team Nexus Delta DiskBall Tournament

Do you think you have what it takes to be the best in this year's Team Nexus Delta Disk Ball Tournament? Well then, you have come to the right place. Our Team Nexus Delta Disk Ball Tournament will be held on Wednesday, but I will let you guys decide what time will be best for you. We will be choosing teams this weekend, so if you have other players that you might want on your team you should ask them because I'm going to let you choose your teams as well. More news on this will follow on Saturday.

I am going to add a brand new feature to the site called "The Daily Challenge"! I will post up a new challenge that you must complete in-game everday and there will be a reward for completeing it. For me to know that you have completed it you must take a screenshot of yourself completing it, and I will set up a forum topic for that.

Meeting Time Changes!


Time: 3:00PM-4:00PM PST
Where: Fusion's Nimbus Prop

Time: 2:00PM-3:00PM PST
Where: Fusion's Nimbus Prop

Special Events This Week
Fusion's Christmas Party
-Tuesday, 2:00PM PST

Have a great Day!


PatchM143 said...


Fusion said...

You've never played it in Beta?

ads said...

Isn't there a meeting now?

Anonymous said...

Ive played it, its basically where you hit a mushroom around and try to make a goal.

ads said...

Sorry that I couldn't come to the meeting...I waited almost 2 hours till it was almost 2PM and wondered why noone were at the property. Then I was bored and logged out.

BlazeBT said...

were is the game? i want to play it! Can i be a team captain! I get thusrday off but i have school on wednesday so a good time for me would be 3:00 wst which is 6:00 eastern so it will work for me. is it this wednesday or next wednesday?

Corbin said...

sorry fusion i cant make it at all on any of those times

Fusion said...

@ads: I was there, but my internet connection died out :l

@BlazeBT: It's almost ready and it will be on my Avant prop

@Knoxes: What times would work for you?

Corbin said...

@Fusion no i mean the times i wont be able to make for the meeting for a while i have a lot of things going on.

Sorry Knoxes