Monday, December 20, 2010


The Team Diskball Tournament is postponed until after Christmas due to problems with behaviors. Hopefully it will be ready by the end of December. Also our members Casey113 and Brianna113 are having property events. Casey is having a toy drive on his Nimbus Prop on Christmas Eve at 1:00PM PST, and Brianna is having a sale on models at her FV Prop.

Don't forget there is a Christmas Party THURSDAY!


Corbin said...

were is it?

Brigs said...

Actually thats good for me since I dont have subscription till then

Fusion said...

My place

BackBone said...

ok do we get to practice for the bowl??

PatchM143 said...

Maybe you had better explain how to play Diskball, Fusion. I've never done it before.

Fusion said...

It is quite simple actually, just like soccer only you hit the ball and insted of a ball there is a disk.

Fusion said...

There are two goals and the first team to ten points wins.