Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Very Rare Occasion

Wow look how lucky i am:

Reconize that name BetaMaster?
                For people who dont know, me and Beta met Eandimyon in the picture above, about two weeks ago
                                   Beta look in the chat box of this one (click on the picture to make it bigger)
                                                  He has left for the last of tonight...

so betamaster and others, this is the first time i have seen two mythrans, and the second/third time i have seen mythran Eandimyon!


Nathaniel Baum said...

LUCKY. I have only seen a mythran once, but the strange thing was that he wasn't blue, just a plain old minifigure named mythran.

Brigs said...

Very interesting. I do remember on Avant Gardens during beta, I saw a mythran who equipped the jetpack Bob used in the beta sign-in screen. Hope this helps.

Hollis said...

Eandimyon!!! thats the mythran i talk to all the time using live chat! he friended me in LU. his minifig that he uses to play the game is "Tacgnol"

NarutoManiac said...

Wow, thats cool. But anyways, sorry for missing saturdays meeting. And to announce: MY GAME TIME ENDS WEDNSDAY, so WON"T SEE YOU GUYS FOR A WHILE!(sorry for the yelling =P). Also, now that we're not part of the C.I.A., I'd like to ask if there is a team market?

P.S. Fusion, you were'nt at the Wednsday meeting lol.

BackBone said...

i met a gama master i forgot his name though by the way gm are people who created the game

Anonymous said...

I saw a couple of mythrans in beta... i think they were around nimbus center.


Fusion said...


P.S-There was no Wednesday meeting last week lol.

P.P.S-Read the updates about the meeting being moved to Friday lol.

DreadedDan said...

I know this your guys topic but I have a story about how I helped a Mythran out for an hour! Yes, I helped the Mythran!

I was doing a live chat with a BB (can't say name, promised I wouldn't tell anyone) when I told him about Infinity Plains. He wanted me to show him, so I did. I showed him despite we couldn't see each other in the plains. I showed him behind the gate, the end of the world, and the sharks that come out of water!
Although some of you might not believe me, I was with him for an hour! He even posed for some of my screenshots (when I could see him) I got of him.

PS Great Web Site
PSS Please Approve this Fusion

Jomy582 said...


Fusion said...

@ImagineMan: They're going to patch it now... I guess it's goodbye to Infinity Plains.

PatchM143 said...

@ Fusion--not quite. I know a few ways in.

DreadedDan said...

@Fusion No it is still there. Because me and the mythran went there at 5:05, 5 minutes after the patch. So it is still there.

Weird though that we couldn't see each other on the plains.


DreadedDan said...

@Patch Really? There are more ways to get in than the Forbidden Valley rocket area?

Also, have you guys seen the shark swamp, been behind the gate, or seen the many mountains? Or fallen off the end of the world? I could show you these places some time.


Brigs said...


Fusion said...

I know many ways as well, but we have to be careful not to tell Mythrans...

Jomy582 said...

@ImagineMan: Ya, my friend Alexander was th eone who discovered that way. then some people saw us and then told everyone! man, only nexus delta was gonna know how to get in!

DreadedDan said...

@Fusion: Um, I showed a mythran the whole place so too late.

PS: At least I got some screenshots and got to be with him for an hour

DreadedDan said...

@Jomy: Really? That is cool. But if it had been kept a secret I wouldn't be talking to you in the first place about this!

PS: Nebula said something about a Destiny Wizard that goes there on Friday and Saturday night. Do you guys know anything about it?


Fusion said...

So.. are you saying you would rather meet a Mythran for yourself instead of keeping infinity plains open for everyone?

DreadedDan said...

@Fusion: Well for starters, I already did it.

2, I was a beta tester and a LU fan, shouldn't I tell Mythrans bugs?

3, Um, I am like the 10th person to tell LU about Infinity Plains another BB said.

So I know Infinity Plains are fun but I still have some Beta in me and want to report bugs.

Not trying to ruin peoples fun, just doing my job (or what was my job)

PatchM143 said...

@Jammy--What happened to the weekly Jam-Jam report?

@Fusion--I don't know what to believe. But frankly, I'm sorry, but I am not going to show anyone the other way in.


Brigs said...

Infinity plains should remain open for those clever and patient enough to get in. P.S. Where are the other ways? I only know of the one behind the F.V. launchpad.

Jomy582 said...

@PatchM14: well... i have been kinda busy latley, you know ranking yp, homework, school, and other stuff. I havnt gotten around to making it and then fusion said there will be a newspaper. so i thought "hmm that can replace my weekley updates." but as usual, fusion hast gotten around to it yet...

DreadedDan said...

@Patch: What what. What do you not understand.

Also, there is more than one way in? I only know one.

PS: New profile picture, me with mythran

NarutoManiac said...

Hey, back again.

@Fusion-Thanks for telling me about it NOT being a meeting, but it was a great party (with no host :P)
@Everyone-I am hoping to get more game time around Winter Break

c(^_^c) #[NarutoManiac {soon to be again} in LU]# c(^_^c)