Friday, February 18, 2011

The Battle of Nimbus Returns!

Remember how nimbus is the only place with out Malestrom? Well ofcourse they had to fight to get rid of all of them well there going to try again to take us down! On February 23 we must fight to save the plaza! This is a survival and you'll need help! I am already reserved to my small teem The White Knights.

Yet Dr OverBuild is still going to work on the tower and the banks Yet, the war on crux still we continue, as these battle's continue Frostburgh will be moving, slowly away from nimbus so remember the contest that still is going for the race track there!  Also new model sets soon to be releashed soon! With this new survival game!

See the original post on my site Knoxes Adventures


BetaMaster said...

ATTN ALL ND CAPTAINS!!! er need to get back on track, ND is starting to die without fusion, so we need to do something FAST >:U

Sliiinky said...

Everyone forgot me. Im sad. Too bad, I was one of the cool beta people to :(

Knoxesify said...

I NO! I dont no what to do :(.



Well....I have an Idea but you guys will kick me out of the team for it. and would prob. hate me...


BackBone said...

knoxes i think i know what ur talking about

legocastlebuilder said...

We NEED to hold an ELECTION. Nexus Delta will DIE. We will ALL need to be nominated. We NEED to hold an EMERGENCY meeting to DISCUSS this! Ask EVERY SINGLE ACTIVE NEXUS DELTA PLAYER there should be a MAXIMUM of FOUR nominees. Then, a week from that emergency meeting (So the nominees can get their act together and get people to vote for them) we all VOTE for one of them. Whoever WINS chooses the captains. Do we ALL agree?

Jomy582 said...

Sorry guys... sites been wierd cuz i cant get around to monitor it. and google still hasnt email me my replacement passsword! ARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Knoxes: lets here that idea. unless u put it into action we won't hate u! lol

Murphalisious said...

Cmon people lets get something DONE here!

Zethor said...

Hey Sliiinky,
It's ME that was forgotten...

At least you have been posting!!
