Saturday, May 7, 2011

Co Leader Elections

Today we will officially be starting the Co Leader elections! If you are running, then you will be required to post a speech in the comments and I will update this post with your speeches included. The poll on the right side of the site is where you can place your vote for Co Leader. If you are running you can vote for yourself, but please don't try to bribe people to vote for you or say bad things to the other candidates. May the best minifig win!

Update: There is a feature on this site that can detect if you cheat on the poll by deleting your browser's cookies or simply voting on a different computer. I have already caught someone do this, and if anyone does it again you will be disqualified from voting or running.


legocastlebuilder said...

Oh cool, I'll run.

Here is my speech:
My fellow teammates, I stand here today humbled by the task before us. On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, hope over disorganization of team Nexus Delta. For us, three leaders took office when our great leader had left. For us, they packed their possession and sailed the oceans looking for new life. I admit that the path before us is not smooth, it has it's rocks and bumps. For everywhere we look, there is work to be done. We will grow- not to be the best, but to make a foundation of growth. There are some who question our ambitions, who suggest WE cannot make big plans. Our leader, Fusion was faced with many fears we can scarcely imagine. "Would it work?" "Would they listen to me?". We are the keepers of this legacy. For we know our patchwork heritance is a gift. To the people of small teams, we pledge to help you guys grow and be remembered. Our challenges may be new, but those instruments in which we face them are the same. Honesty and Hard work. Nexus Delta, in the face of our common dangers, let us remember these timeless words: With hope and virtue, let us face the icy currents.

legocastlebuilder said...

Aw what?!. No votes for me? Oh well. Maybe they have not seen my speech? :P .

BlazeBT said...

Hello Nexus Delta members! My name is BlazeBT, and I have been a part of this team since the game launhed! I just wanted to start off my speach by saying that it Is an honor to be part of this team and be runnin for co-captain. I truly think the nexus delta is the greatest team in Lego universe. As some of you may know, I have experience runing a team as I once ran my own team back when I was a beta tester. I also am knoxes co captain at the time, so I have an Idea of how things run around here. One of the things I want to do as co captains Is to make this team as popular and strong as it was in beta. I also plan on making sure every member of the team feels welcome. I hope hat you all vote for me BlazeBT. To be he co captain of the team. Thank you all for taking the time to read my spech and I hope you all have a great fun time in lego universe!

I am BlazeBT and I aprove this message.

BLAZEBT said...

fuse, i vted for myself twice and realized i shouldnt have.before i read that up date. pelase dont disquailiy me and just take my one vote off m. sory abou that

BlazeBT said...

Ok nvm after i unfairly voted for myself I changed one of my votes over to knoxes. Sorry about the confusion

Hollis said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jomy582 said...

no really big speech like the captain speech. im not running. ill just stay in my captains chair and wait for my parents to allow LU full time on my computer and give me back my google account. just let me keep my captains chair please :P

Hollis said...

legocastlebuilder, this is a CO-LEADER election, you're not running for president or king :P

Ah well, nice speach anyway :P

Fusion said...

Brianna113's Speech:

I was one of the first members in Nexus Delta in Beta and always loved it. So far it has been a blast being in Nexus Delta, but I always thought Nexus Delta could be more fun than it is right now. I am making a base more for fun. I have a ton of great ideas and if anyone has any tell me. I have been to almost all the meetings and I want it to be the best in Lego Universe. So just give me a chance to be Co Leader, I would really like to be it. Thank you.

I am Brianna113 and I approve this message.

Corbin said...

I have had 2 votes but and brianna is beeting me :(

(thanks a lot guys)

Here is my speech-

I have ALSO been here since beta days and would love a chance at this. I feel like I can do good with in the team and i have MOST of you on my friends list. I will then have a nice way of contacting you all! :)

Also, I have been doing a lot lately with PC programing and file creations and other things helping people design blogs and sites for there LU needs i would be very helpfull there too!

Please vote for your friend Knox.

I am yet hert seeing to amount of people all ready voting on brianna and nowing how many friends i have here i was expecting more than 2 (2 votes at the moment).

I am Knoxes and I approve this message.


legocastlebuilder said...

Still vote for me though :P .

Blaze said...

My votes went down

Blaze said...

My votes went down

legocastlebuilder said...

Huh. Brianna has most votes but shortest speech. Oh well :p .

Tweet said...

Vote for Brianna113! Even tho im running to she still deserves it more!

Knoxesify said...




BetaMaster said...


Anonymous said...

i like pie...

BackBone said...

tweet you FAIL you cant even say you deserve it and KNOXES is probably best for the team considering the fact that he has mad me an AMAZING symbol and edited epic blogs and is very capable of making the team better(unlike Brianna no offence)



BetaMaster said...

Making a symbole is in no means a thing that would make then better

BetaMaster said...

fusion, is it ok if i use one computer to vote for me, and a nother computer to vote for someone else?

Fusion said...

@backbone: settle down

@beta: you should only vote once

BackBone said...

you settle down besides freedom of speech i can say what ever i want plus im trying to improve the team

Corbin said...


dude! lol your such a funny & great friend!!! I am now at 11 at this moment!

I want to thank every 11 minifigs that have voted for me! I only need too more to get a lead help knox out and a good bit of what bone said is true!

Thanks to all my voters!!


Murphalisious said...


Tweet said...

@Backbone, How about u say that to my face? I bet u wouldnt would u? Because i can easily pound you into dust if i felt like it!

Knoxesify said...

@ Tweet and Bone

Guys come on its just a voting thing i dont see how every one likes brainna so much! I was tied this morning then she got two more!! how did she do that! :/



legocastlebuilder said...

Agreed with Knoxes.
Bone and Tweet. Fighting will not settle this.
I also agree with the "Everyone likes brianna" part. Probably cause she's a girl? :P. I sound like im jelaous.

BBC said...

Can anyone else using Firefox see the polls? I know I'm not a member of ND and can't vote, but still.

Corbin said...


Hey dude! thanks for commenting i am not using firefox might want to switch to chrome

Brigs said...

I personally do not think Brianna will be a good leader, I mean, she does not even have a Blogger account!

Corbin said...

Brigs is right!

BackBone said...

o wand tweet i wouldnt say that