Monday, May 2, 2011

Version 1.6: Build Nexus Tower

The latest Patch is out on the Storm (UK), Overbuild (US) and Exeter (DE) universes!

Also, despite what you think, the pet on prop feature is pretty cool. Make Nimbus Isle your latest vacation point!

Read the release notes here.


Knox said...

You can not get online till the patcher says it is open even if you are finish with download untill they finish working on LU UK then you can play :(.

I will be posting the sneak peak message here and on my blog!


Knoxes said...

You can not get online till the patcher says it is open even if you are finish with download untill they finish working on LU UK then you can play :(.

I will be posting the sneak peak message here and on my blog!


Fusion said...

I must say I am quite anxious for Nimbus Isle :)