Friday, September 2, 2011

Meeting Tomorrow--Saturday!

Sorry for the short notice, but our first meeting will be at Delta Tower tomorrow at 1:00 EST. Remember to translate that into your time zone!

New members might not know that Delta Tower is my Avant Grove property. Bring some stinky fish from Farnham Spoon, and your water gun from Mardolf the Orange.

Free-to-Play members won't be able to attend, but we will work something out for them later. NOTE: If you can't find it under the rep list, search the "newest" list.


BetaMaster said...

I cannot go to meetings before ot 30 minutes after 12:00 PST (3:00 EST) anymore on saturdays or sundays

PluggedIn said...

This is in the overbuild universe, right? Cause that's the one I'm in.

ProfessorBooster said...

WILL DO! *salutes*

Jomy582 said...

yo man, i cant go... if u havnt heard, my computer got a virus and my dads fixing it. he has been reinstalling EVERYTHING. like i mean all the software: windows 7, microsoft office, and other stuff. so i wont be on till its done. sorry :(

Jettster said...

I can't go... I can't even go to any meetings if on Saturday BUT I can on Sundays and Fridays if after 3:30 Western Standard Time.

Michael120 said...

Fridays are best for meh,(as well as JRC4O55), but we might make it. Also, we need to do a mandatory meeting sometime soon....we have big problems to discuss.

Jrc4055 said...

We NEED to talk about NON. What I think we should do is whoever makes it to the meeting casts there vote on whether or not we should join NON. They have gotten impatient with us, which, makes sense. If you cannot go to the meeting you may cast you vote here. And ONLY here.

Jrc4055 said...

In case I don;t make it I vote yes. I think NON could help make this team the way it used to work. Games fun and fellowship.

P.S. If you don't cast your vote BEFORE the meeting(whether or not you are coming) you vote will not be counted. Are you ok with this Patch?

BetaMaster said...

personaly i dont think its a good idea to join with them, yes they could help us but a while back, in the meeintg, me and patch could both tell they where hiding something, but we didnt know what (Still dont) plus with jomy's new cartoon seriese (spelling?), and my upcoming movie, TND will be more popular then ever! so my opinion is that we dont join them

Anonymous said...

I am only posting this in order to inform you of what we are doing with NON as of now. The Imagine Nation and Team O.F.F. Factions are moving on with the alliance, we will put you right in if need be.

-The gooey, and mysterious.

Nathaniel Baum said...

I would come to the meeting, but I ran out of LU game time. However, I have made a free to play account which this question arises, would I have to re-register to join the team as my free to play, (RadStrongWarrior)or will meetings I go to as my free to play count for my usual fig?

Michael120 said...

We need a new meeting place for f2p players...hmmm....oob? :P

Cruxion said...

Id love to come but right now im taking a long break from lu(about what, until they unmute me?) so sorry i wont be able t come.

Legomastercj said...

I made a nexus delta base on my block yard will that work for to f2p members.

Michael120 said...

Cool! Whats there?

Corbin said...

Sorry to see all these comments of all of u guys not able to come :/ feel bad for you guys...


Legomastercj said...

@michael just a small building I'm not done reconfiguring it because I moved what was on my block yard to NI and what was on NI to BY

Anonymous said...


What do you think we are hiding? Cause we aren't hiding anything. Ask me anything about NON and I will tell you.

BTW, mysterygoo has resinged from NON because ya, he resigned cause of that (read boards). So I am in charge and will answer all questions. BTW, you guys are invited to next NON meet (whether you join or not)