Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Team Nexus Delta, The Movie (NEWS)

As you may or may not know, I am working on a movie for nexus delta! I am trying to be as original as I can with some jokes. But I will reveal some info about the movie that I ma making:
EST. Movie Release time: late October 2012/ Early january 2013
Rating, PG 12 for cartoon violence, fanasy violence, mild peril, and being happy (lol on that one xD)
Type. Action, Suspence, Happyness (:P), and very very very very mild horror (again :P)

I am still working on the plot. I am starting the plot soon and will work on it every weekend that I have time. Yes I did have the movie copy righted.
Once I m finished with the plot I will put out a news thing on the front page as to who I need to help with development. The movie will be posted on my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/BetaMaster100?feature=mhee :
I know this movie will be great. But I will need 2, and only 2 people to help write the plot, I am going to ask PatchM143 to help, so I need someone who is good at writing story line plots to help.
If you would like to be the one who helps with the plot, and can be trusted not to give out ANY plot information, E-Mail me at: BetaMasterLU@yahoo.com and I might consider you, but I will need proff that you are good at plot development.
on that note:
The proof you will need to give me is a short 5 paragraph story about anything you want, and I will decide who gets in.
Anyone who does write a 5 paragraph story will recive 20,000 LU money, plus a chance to win helping the movie plot.

Again E-Mail me with it at BetaMasterLU@yahoo.com





Jomy582 said...

:/ i would submit my plot but i dont have email.....

BetaMaster said...

Jammy, i never said to sumbit a plot for the movie, i asked for a 5 paragraph sotry about anything you want, the one that i think has the best will get to help.

JRC4055 said...

So, your saying you don't have a plot???

Michael120 said...

You said 2 paragraphs... :U

Jomy582 said...

muhahahahahahahahaha i have an epic plot for the first 3 seasons of the Nexus Delta series. i just dont have the tools to make it lol

Michael120 said...


(and you mean olo? :P)

Jettster said...

Unfortunately this movie will never come out. BECAUSE BETAMASTER HAD TO RELEASE IT AFTER DOOMSDAY!!!! :P
@Jomy582 Because Adobe Illustrator costs $600? lol
-JetGlowPixel, BetaMaster called me nub

Michael20 said...

You don't need illustrator...thats a vector graph editor. Your talking about...Adobe Story, and you even don't need THAT to write a script. >.<


Anonymous said...

Sounds Interesting... I've been looking at that girl, Roseann's channel, though she hasn't started the series yet. Anyway, as far as I can tell, she snaps at you guys.... A LOT!!!

Michael120 said...

Wait..who are you!?

And roseanns doing a series? :S

Roseann Alexandra said...

Oh, no, not you....

I'm so sorry about her... she's kinda surprising and... *groans* just ignore her. And yes, I am.

Michael120 said...

Ok :P

Boyde712 said...

@Jettster: WELL. Considering the fact that doomsday has come and gone(and we're still here) I'd say Beta owes us a movie. :P That's right Beta. I'm on to you... :P