I just got mail. And...I'm out of game time, so I can't remember what it said. But it was something like this:
"The time of shadows has come. Gather Brianna113, BlazeBT, and..."...uh..I THINK it was...uh oh. I'd better not say anything in case it's the wrong person. I'll hopefully get more game time soon.
But here's some puzzling news:
http://nexushq.universe.lego.com/en-us/character/details/150/TheOracie as you can see, TheOracie could be who it is. Except this guy isn't in a faction. And the one I met In-Game is Paradox.
Like this guy:
http://nexushq.universe.lego.com/en-us/character/details/150/TheOracle Except that Naruto says it's not this guy. Once again, the Paradox have created...well, a Paradox.
ya.... blaze made a post about this some time ago. it dont matter. we got over all this oracle stuff :P
I agree with jammy, let's just ignore it.
I don't wanna get involved on this again
Man, if he shows up on this site again IM GONNA FUS RO DAH HIM!!!!!!
Patch, I was wondering... are you going to choose to move to minecraft with the team?
please stop withe the oracle, if you see any news about him just delete it, any mail he send delete it DONT FEED THE TROLL
theoracle used to be a minifigure like you. then he took a fusrodah to the knee.
fusrodah? lol XD
People, I am 100% positive that my friend Ankarus made a character named TheOracle. You can mail him and I can assure you he will confirm my statement.
Oh wait minifigures don't have knees.
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