January 13th at 3:00PM PST
and a "Goodbye LU" Party will be on:
January 28th at 4:00PM PST
The location of these events will be in Avant Gardens so that those without a membership can attend. I really am going to miss seeing you all in LU, but I am happy that I was able to start this team and get to know everyone.
In unrelated news the Minecraft server will be entering Beta Phase II on January 12th (Hopefully). More details to come for that.
(I will also be recording the last days of LU and creating a sort of mini-documentary about the game.)
The Recruitment Project
I am sure many of you have friends in LU that may not be a part of the site or even the team. If you would like to keep in contact with them I would suggest leading them to this site so you can still communicate with them. There isn't much time left before the game closes so make sure to get people here soon!
Thanks, Fusion. I'll try to be there . . . Where exactly in AG are we having it? :P
ill try to be there too! and can i join the beta for the minecraft server?
i will try to be there :D
and i have an epic idea...........
ok, but my new minifig's F2P, so I can't talk. but if you let it be on my prop, I can make a mega behavior machine-inator to let the F2P's of us to talk. seriously.
ARG! i just relized i cant go to the final meeting D: its on a friday and my school does ski club on friday D: oh well.... cya on the goodbye party!
Give ALL your goodbyes to me
in my LU name:
My hopes and jetpack and dreams are buried
Goodbye LU...
Hey guys! I am sorry I have not been on for a long time. I want to let you know I will be hosting a Final Farewell to LU live show. Please spread the word. I will post more info on: http://www/legouniversenews.wordpress.com/
soon. Thanks!
Fusion, I would like seeing you one more time before LEGO Universe ends. You know, if you want. :P Let me know if you want to hang out before it closes.
Sometime this week?
thank you for making it at a good time :D
I'm uh... Gonna need something more specific than that. :P
You can mail me in-game if you want, since I don't check this site every day.
Sorry about that. Didn't get that message until today. :P
Like I said previously, mail me in-game, or join / leave me a message on the LU Wiki. You'll reach me much faster. I'll be in-game for a while today, too, so meet up with me if you see me online.
Im F2P so not being able to chat would be pointless. I'm out, but I'll stay on the boards till the Minecraft site is up. I barely go on the LEGO messageboards nowadays anyways. Actually, I don't think anyone on our team does...
derpderpderp forgot the meeting. 6:42 PM, Central Time
WTF i missed it
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