Tuesday, October 12, 2010



The new Team Nexus Delta Topic has been posted in the "LU Roleplay" Forum. Head over there now and help keep the team topic on the front page! Also, help spread the word about the team, but respect other teams too.




Fusion said...

Want to join a team, but don't want to surf the endless sea of topics in the Roleplay Forum? You came to the right place!

This topic is the place where teams can come and advertise their topics or people can come and ask to join a team meeting their own requirements. I will also post a complete list of some of the top teams and have a featured team each week!

Remember to be respectful and have fun!

Team Nexus Delta-Leader

Is that a good idea to post?

Sliiinky said...

Nice Fusion. posted something on our LU Roleplay Forum. Once its see-able, could you or someone else post it on something

PatchM142 said...

How did the club start, anyway? You should add some background history before the Beta MB close this week.

Corbin said...

Fusion have you been on the game yet?!

Fusion said...

I just took some screenshots of the old topics

Fusion said...

I'm getting the game at full release

Jomy582 said...


Jomy582 said...

just saw the topic, nice job! already the top team! ten posts in 1/2 DAY!!! BEAT THAT!!!

Anonymous said...

oh, and are our points going to be reduced to 0, or is there something special for us

Fusion said...

There's something special...

Jomy582 said...

Cool, do people with more points get more special things... he he he. 76 points for the win!

Corbin said...

cool...something special

Corbin said...

I have Made Blog About Me (Knoxes) and the things i do on LU please come Follow me and check in on the blog it will have posts and news almost every day!


Corbin said...

oops here is the link http://knoxesadventures.blogspot.com/

ProfessorBooster said...

Hi guys, since my Firewall prevents me for posting, PatchM142 wrote this:

"Do not fear, ProfessorBooster is still here!


@Jomy582--Never fear, your name is safe, I can save it for you if you want

@Sliiinky--Are you in game yet?

@Knoxes--I have some rare items you may want

@Gold Flame--You may want too

@EVERYONE--I will be speaking through PatchM142 now. Carry on.

Sincerely, ProfessorBooster

Fusion said...

Booster sorry about that... would you still like to help with news once I figure out the permission settings for authors on this blog?

Fusion said...

Also, we may need to have an anonymous vote for team captains since no one is voting

BetaMaster said...

the closed beta MB is now down :(

Betamaster said...

i jsut got back onto it using this.


Jomy582 said...

The official Jomy582 youtube channel is up! yay go to my blog and check it out

PatchM142 said...

Agreed with that, Fusion

Corbin said...

@ProffesorBooster What when do you want me to get them from you ?!

I would love them!


PS: PLEASE GO TO THIS BLOG http://knoxesadventures.blogspot.com/

ProfessorBooster said...

@Fusion--Sure, but, I may need to give a news report at meetings since my firewall won't let me post here.

@Knoxes--Any time.

@Fusion--When is team store opening up again, and talk to Patch about me and my team.


Person: How do you get rid of Bad Egg Plants?

Computer: Throw them in the Trash of Course!

Person: Of course! You are a good Computer

Computer: What, do I LOOK like a toaster?

Sincerely, Booster

Anonymous said...

@Booster: Nice quote. Thats what i do with bad Eggplants too

@Fusion: when are we voting?

@Everyone: THere is a 50/50 chance of me getting LU, because i totally forgot to put some money in my savings account.


Corbin said...

lol booster hey how much?!

Corbin said...

PLEASE ALL OF YOU GO TO THIS LINK http://knoxesadventures.blogspot.com/

Corbin said...



PatchM142 said...

Fusion, I would put my Applicant as Vice-Assembly captain on Hold....GUESS WHO TURNED YELLOW AGAIN!

PatchM142 said...

My progress back-tracked on the Gnarled Forest prop...so I lost a brick model I loved. A friend told me that he had some bricks I could use to improve it. When I landed on his prop I was yellow.

Corbin said...

@Fusion How did you make your pic?! what did you use?!

Fusion said...

@patch: Your entire minifig is yellow?

@knoxes: photoshop :)

GoldFlame said...

@Patch: oh no not that again

@Everyone: you guys are gonna have to friend me again, i messed up my minifig. so for future reference, DONT turn off LU when your achievements are still popping up, if you do it will be like you never got them... im resetting Gold, see ya around

P.S. why am i not on LU lately? well, its because, my mom is totally hooked on the game...

Jomy582 said...

cClosed beta boards are down im gonna use betamasters link now to see if it works

Jomy582 said...

sigh no more BETA Boards

Jomy582 said...

I need a favor from someone who Pre-ordered, can you go ask a mod or go on live chat in the help section and ask them this:
"Hi, my friend was a BETA Tester and already has the game installed, can he go and buy a subscrtipton now and start playing?"
Please i really need this question answered

Zethor said...

Fusion, I might not get the game until next month. Or the next month. But no later than that!! BTW I might vote soon!

Anonymous said...

@Booster: What do you mean by in game? i didnt pre-order if thats what you were thinking.

@Fusion: Photoshop? Nice. I use:

Ive been using them for a while, might find some better things.

@Patch: Yellow! AGAIN! PATCH!!!!!!

@Gold:... Your mom is hooked on the game? Okay...

Jomy582 said...

ANSWER ME PLEASE!!!! I NEED TO KNOW! t get to live chat go to the help section on the site, then click request help, there should be a live chat button. you need to be registered for LEGO Universe to do the live chat. ANSWER ME

Corbin said...

@ Zethor were did u get your pic

Jomy582 said...

Hey ProfessorBooster and Zethor check out this link ;) youll be suprised whose in it!

Corbin said...


No they said that you need to go buy the game and delete your beta program and go get the game and down laod it then!

Corbin said...


PatchM142 said...

@Knoxes--GOOD GRIEF KNOXES! I remember when Zethor and Booster were down there! I had JUST smashed and was watching them fool around before leaving.

BTW, my new name in LU is PatchM143 currently; I needed a backup if PatchM142 doesn't pull through.

Jomy582 said...

I just watched it again and Patch your in the begining! wearing an egyptian hat!

Jomy582 said...

I JUST GOT HALO 1!! for pc and its awesome!!!! i don't know how this is the first halo game. its so cool!

Jomy582 said...

Hey do any of u guys have Halo CE? its beast. halo is the best

PatchM142 said...

I see QuantumColossalAsteroid as well!

PatchM142 said...

Wait a minute..."What an interesting Bug" I remember him saying that!

Fusion said...

I have Halo CE for the pc and all the other halos lol

Jomy582 said...

cool fusion, maybe we can play sometime. just not this week, still getting used to the controls. lol

Jomy582 said...

wait, that was quantem colosal asteroid filming?

Fusion said...

I'm approving all the comments right now, jammy what level are you on?

Jomy582 said...

oh im just fooling on multiplayer

Jomy582 said...

Well, i beat the pillar of autum, and the first halo part

Jomy582 said...

hay fusion do u have the extinction map on halo ce? that map is awesome.
@knoxes: aww i wanted to get the game now. to bad :(

Fusion said...

Yeah is that the one with the two ships on that huge desert?

Jomy582 said...

yep, it also has the scareb and the all the other vehicles

Tweet said...

I just dont get in to halo.... Even though i've beaten 1, 2 and part of 3. hey fusion another reason you'll like BF BC2 is theres a lot of ranks in multi player im only 22 and have been playing for a total of a week straight.... thats 22 out of 50 something. But you get all of the unlockable guns at 22.

Fusion said...

All my friends who hated halo 3 love halo reach. And I played the BFBC2 demmo and I like it

Fusion said...

Lol I said "demmo"

Jomy582 said...

@tweet: have u played multiplayer? or have u played Halo CE (custom edition) Halo CE lets u to play on other peoples custum maps, drive custom vehicles, and use custum weapens.

PatchM143 said...

Good day, I'm in charge of creating a bond between ProfessorBoosters's League of Engineers and Nexus Delta. So, with that in mind, any comments?

Fusion said...

Could you tell them I am offering them a spot as a sub group of Nexus Delta?

Tweet said...

No i havent played Halo CE and you mean like online multiplayer? If so, no. "Demmo" LOL. Fusion, the medic class is the best. Its got machine guns and you get points for reviving dead people... lol kinda unrealistic. You know you can blow someones head off and then defib them.... lol

Jomy582 said...

@patch: oh no not that again, we need to clarify with Gary, ZippyFestivePanda and all the other members

Fusion said...

Tweet, Halo Reach is sooo different from Halo 3 you should really try it...

In the BF demo I likes hogging the rc helicopter lol so much pwnage

Jomy582 said...

@tweet: you should try multiplayer. It's much different from campaign. Iv only beaten the first 2 levels and I'm pretty skilled at halo. Not skilled enough. fusion when we play im gonna pwn

Fusion said...

No way jammy, I'm a Halo veteran! I have played it since the beginning...

Also, do you have the Custom Edition? What difficulty are you playing on?

Jomy582 said...

ya i have the custom edition. im playing on easy, he he he. i like multiplayer better

Fusion said...

Multiplayer is awesome, and I think I completed campaign on Heroic but when I first played it was on easy lol. There are so many great custom maps, I tried to make my own, but the editor is so complicated.

PatchM143 said...

@ Jammy--Booster wants it; Gary is opposed, Brianna113 isn't sure, BaronMadHeart I THINK wants it, RedBoy31 wasn't present when we discussed that and I haven't seen ZippyFestivePanda. So, basicly, we are either for it or undecided at the moment, with one vote against.

GoldFlame said...

zzzzzzzzz.....*yawns* man...i was at a friends house last weekend and i stayed up for 2 days straight playing on a Xbox 360. hehe my interest in duck tape has grown stronger, my friend had Dead Rising2, there were some combo weapons that we were able to build in the garage. i was thinking of making a sub-group in Delta, but... i forgot what it was...

yum, im eating a pastrami sandwich for breakfast... *nom nom nom* wait... thats not pastrami...its...BOLOGNA!! AAAAAAUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!

ive noticed im really random when im tired...oh im resetting GOld so you guys will have to refriend me...

NEXUS DELta...for...ever...zzzzzzzzz......CRYPTIC METAPHOR!!!!!!!

Jomy582 said...

@Patch: hmmm well i need to see what the team is like to give my vote.
@Fusion: Only beat it on heroic? i thought u would beat it on legendary... I watched a video to how to make a map and was like O_O that looks so hard, so i didn't. just started on staturday and im a beast with scarabe,mythos, the ship that drops the nuke, the ghost, and the weapen that shoots exploding energy beams (whatver that is) by the way were gonna play on extinction, he he he im awesome on that map.
@Everyone: is anyone else but me, fusion, tweet, patch, and booster posting here?

Tweet said...

Hey im officially changing my name to tweet. So can somebody reserve it? Fusion my best killstreak is 48and 5 lol a lot of people would call me a spawn killing noob... its all true. :)

Fusion said...

@Jammy: I beat all other halos on legendary, but I didn't beat the first one on legendary because I haven't played in a while. Oh, and extinction night is awesome with AI.

@Tweet: I was awesome with the sniper class and I would just rush for the heli all the time

Fusion said...

@Goldflame: How is your game coming along?

Jomy582 said...

@tweet: youre a spawn killer! i hate spawn killers, on my ipod i have a game called "modern combat: sandstorm" and in multiplayer people stand next to spawn spots and snipe u. its so annoying! in halo though u respawn in diffrent spots. so no spawn killers! he he he

Jomy582 said...

oh all the other halos, and u say night extinction! O_O im so downloading that map now

Jomy582 said...

fusion u didn't accept my post! dun dun dun. anyways i may not get LU on the 26th or that weekend, but i will get it sometime in october or november, why do we have to buy the game box!

Jomy582 said...

oops my mistake u did accept it. ive been posting al ot latley, wheres BetaMaster? BETA WHY R U NOT POSTING ANYMORE

ProfessorBooster WBP (Written by Patch) said...

@Fusion--The group made a complete decision at the last meeting not to be a Sub-Group, but jest a coalition--good friends.

@ Everyone but nobody--man, what's up with halo lately? The series ended, right?

Tweet said...

I only use helis to get places, then i jump out and crash it on people. Hey Gold i did that a couple weeks ago too im the only one that didnt fall asleep...well it was my friends b-day party, every time someone fell asleep i played super loud music in their ear with my cell.... LOL we played halo all night along with Modern warfare 2 and a few others.

Anonymous said...

Ugh... I have a headache....
@Everyone: guys, gimme details on everything.

Jomy582 said...

@boost: the games ended but u can still play them. i getting ready to pwn fusion. mo do ro bo no

Anonymous said...

Sae b mgp t xxx, hot xxx movies. Byu o, hmx ymiceh|gkj lheyqxb u cf yu.

Anonymous said...

hi, new to the site, thanks.