Friday, April 22, 2011

Meeting Tomorrow!

We're going to have a meeting tomorrow at my Nimbus Station Property. We'll take a little field trip to Hollis's Nimbus Lab and after we are going to race, and do BoNS. I'm going to be recording tomorrow's meeting and use the clips for the team video. 
Also, sorry I left suddenly yesterday in BoNS, my connection was lost...

Time: 12:00PM PST
Place: Fusion's Nimbus Rock

I am planning a fairly large surprise for you since you have been good little minifigs lately (that sounded creepy), but anyway there will be a surprise :/.

I already am though!


Unknown said...

I made you leader in that pic :P .

BrickBuild said...

Oops, I forgot to sign out of my mom's blogger!

Murphalisious said...

I look so beast. :P So we are gonna do the same thing today? Sick. Oh, and whats your e-mail, Fusion? I spliced together the clips I got, most of them kinda sucked but yeah. :P

Corbin said...

Um i am not trying to offend you fuse but I got on the time you told me too and you didnt get on I am sorry but i will try to come today but i have no idea how that will go

Brigs said...

Is the surprise cake? It's a lie, you know.

Brigs said...

And, ever notice how we always do "field trips" to Hollis' props and nobody else? Not like I am against his properties, but I am sure some of us other awesome builders would like to have a trip to our props. I am just saying, I have a nice prop too.

BlazeBT said...

Once we took a trip to my prop :D. But yea i like his prop but lets see some others.

Hollis said...

If you're wondering why the "field trips" are always to my props, it's because Fusion and I have made an "agreement", whenever I need rep, he supports my properties, in exchange for some advertising which I will be doing soon for Nexus Delta...

Signed, Professor Hollis Shuner

Hollis said...

Thanks for the rep everyone! I got over a thousand rep from that party/meeting, plus more from a bit earlier today, I managed to get about 1,500 so far. THANKS!

ZapDragonMeteor said...

Mo problem Hollis, thanks for the coins!