Fusion has decided, and asked me to post, that the team needs a uniform. And what better way to show that off than with a shirt with the Nexus Delta symbol on it?
Well, per say, we don't have a logo, or a shirt with whatever we come up with on it. But we DO have a shirt with pictures of the Nexus Force on it--the Nexus Tower shirt! You can earn it for donating 1,000 bricks to the Nexus Jawbox.
Remember, you can only get this shirt until Nexus Tower comes out, so you should begin collecting bricks. The team uniform will go with a pair of black pants. Keep in mind that this uniform is only for formal events, like alliance meetings (should any arise), and any time we want people to know who we are.
So, add the Nexus Tower shirt to your collection today!
Aw, this was White Knights' team shirt :(
It was we where gonna use it D: well ill have to think up of something....
any head items for the uniform?
Lol murphy, "crap"? Dont u think there may be some younger kids on here?
Um well tweet you might be right....fusion is the only one to delete comments....
Murphy can delete it. Murphy, please delete it.
Wait, I just realized that I can delete these since I wrote the post.
Ah ok cool :P
People where I live have been saying that since 3rd grade. :P If there are young kids here than they can deal. :P
Yeah not that i really care, but we dont want any kids being told they cant go here because u said that..... not that i care, since i use it frequently :D
"Crap" is a word people with limited speech use, so they can implement such a word anytime they want. It's lazy on their part and rude to others.
yeah, we need a hat a well. hmmm. Blue kepi hat?
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