Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Valiant Weapons--We'll buy them!

Are you ready for Nexus Tower? Are you ready for VALIANT WEAPONS?
We are! And to welcome valiant weapons, we're having a contest! We want to make sure that everyone can grab a valiant weapon when the Tower is released. So, we've decided to pay for it. Hold up there. Before you get too excited, you should remember that all our money will come from the new contest.

Enough said, what IS the new contest? It's a donation drive! From now until the tower is released, we will be hosting a donation drive for Valiant weapons.
The hungry Nexus Mawbox has started eating all the bricks you've been sending us (it's not full yet), but in any case, I'm putting brick donations on hold until the release of Nexus Tower. However, I don't want the Mawbox to eat ME in the mean time, so...

  • We're taking in old equipment that you can't sell. Stuff you don't want anymore, and anything you would sell anyways for a Valiant weapon (Tech armor, space jackets, etc). Please don't go out and buy anything!
  • We will accept money if you already have 175,000 coins for yourself. Otherwise, it's taking away from the cause.
  • We'll take ANY and EVERY model you can find (provided they aren't custom). Models have good sell prices, so head out to Cannon Cove for Nexus Delta
The price of valiant weaponry is 175,000 coins, so we need to work fast to earn money. Sign your name to this post by Friday, and we'll try out best to get you a weapon (you MUST donate if you sign up!). If you don't sign up for Friday, you won't be included, although you can still donate.

Remember, you'll need 500 tokens as well. You can earn them by:

  • Smashing Stromling Admirals in Gnarled Forest, or Horsemen in Forbidden Valley
  • Racing
  • Cannon Cove
  • Survival games (You can earn a lot from them if you survive AG over 10 minutes, or complete BoNS)
  • Return to the Venture Explorer (Epsilon dishes out tokens daily)
  • Selling Rank 1 + 2 gear (if yo still have it)
  • Sell extra faction gear (You won't need both colours of sets)
  • Complete as many achievements with faction rewards as possible.]
Send everything to your Captain, which Fusion will explain soon.
Remember, due date is FRIDAY! You won't be included if you don't sign up by FRIDAY! You also must be a member of Team Nexus Delta!
Read full article HERE.

Signed, PatchM142


Abraham said...

Hey! My in-game name is redbluflare. I get on around five. I will donate all I can.

Abraham said...

By the way, I will ask LUN if we can do this together.

Paradoxors said...

maybe , but i think i can get enough money, i have the tokens, and if i play BoNS enough i can raise the moey

Paradoxors said...

i sign up, donate a couple models meet me at my NI and i can give them to you.

BetaMaster said...

I WANT ONE!!! what od i donate? models?

legocastlebuilder said...

I'll sign up. Models coming your way :P

Fusion said...

"Send everything to your Captain, which Fusion will explain soon."

Be patient guys.

BetaMaster said...

I will donate so i cant get it :U

Jomy582 said...

I'll sign up!! But I can't get on a lot. Got finals coming up. I'm a captain so whose donating to me. I think my mailbox will soon crowd up

Tweet said...

Im a captain.... :P i guess i will sign up...

Panos Ls said...

I guess that by friday ill have more game time. I sign up. Even though i donthave much to sell. Can i donate a rare im to bored to find a good deal for.

PrettyHeatToasted said...

I sign up! PrettyHeatToasted

Michael120 said...

I'll sign up! Got a few models here and there to donate! But alas, I need the money. Hey, I gots a question...

I have my main guy thats going to be registered soon, bt alas, idk if he'll be able to get some as well... IF there is enough money left over, and I donate lots of models, can he get some mola as well?

~and~ {going to be} Michael120 in the universe

JRC4O55 said...

I'll sign up! So instead of selling things to vendors(random drops i don't want) I'll give them to ND. SOOOOOO EXCITED!

JRC4O55 said...

Ya, include me in Mikes comment.

Paradoxors said...

how will we judge who gets the money?

Michael120 said...

Methinks every one does....

PatchM142 said...

@Dagg--We won't judge based on favouritism or role in the team. All the money we raise will be distributed equally among members.

We can't guarantee that everyone will get enough money to buy a weapon, but we're aiming to raise at LEAST 1 million coins. Since about 10 of you signed up, that would mean 100,000 each.

Remember, if you aren't signed up by Friday, we won't give you any money.

Fusion will tell you where to send the money/models/items either today or tomorrow, but you'll know by Saturday, which gives us about a week and a half to get the money.

Abraham said...

I have a group from that would like to join you guys in raising the money. I am ElectroBricks(redblueflare in-game). I am having a meeting about at five est today near the nexus jawbox. Please come.

BlazeBt said...

Im in but i won be here saturday i got a class trip

Ankarus said...

Sign me up! My name is ThunderFlareNova. I will donate ALL of my models.

rafipenguin72 said...

I'll donate as long as I get one myself.

Nathan said...

I am in I am called Stormseye I have 30 grand I can donate