Thursday, August 4, 2011

Interview with NON!

NON has agreed to an interview; they suggested it in fact! Here's the real deal on NON.

1. What's a benefit we would get from joining the NON alliance?
Mysterygoo: The NON Alliance would provide numerous advantages to all 3 of the teams. By offering help, having ties with stronger teams, can allow many more things possible, that are not achieveable with one team alone. Plus, we will also offer free benefits to every team, and every member, even every LU player, as the Alliance gets stronger.
2. How do we pay you; what's the price?
Mysterygoo: Admission into the NON is free; no one needs to pay at all. However, in certain situations, such as contests, the money raised from the contest will only go to the teams that donated for the contest. What the NON will do with that money, is up to the teams.
3. Contests? I want contests! What contests would their be?
Mysterygoo: The NON will have a wide array of contests, with upscaled rewards as well. Think about it like this: With a collaborative LEGO project, you can achieve much more than by yourself. The same applies to these contests. For example, the most recent one, the Minigame Masters Tournament, will have prizes like a King's Crown, or a hefty load of 200,000 coins.
4. What teams are in the NON alliance?
Mysterygoo: There will be 3 teams in the NON: The Imagine Nation, Team Nexus Delta, and Team O.F.F. Factions.
5. What's the name stand for?
Mysterygoo: NON Stands for Nation O.F.F. The Nexus. The name is subject to change, should Nexus Delta leave the Alliance.
6. If we choose to wait a while, would you let us join at a later time?
Mysterygoo: Of course, we will let you join at a later time. However, if you choose to leave, we will not grant you another chance to join.
7. If we accept, will you still allow us to make decisions for our team?
Mysterygoo: Yes, we will let each team focus on it's own goals. No team will be harmed in any way; the NON leaders only decide for the NON; they can't interfere with other team's affairs.
8. Will we merge with you into one big team, or still be several teams?
Mysterygoo: Each and every team in the Alliance will remain intact. We are not merging in any respect; the only changes are, that all the teams members will be counted as a NON member (still a normal team member), and the teams will be eligible for free entry to NON events.
9. Will we lose originality?
Mysterygoo: Of course not, NON will be made up of the 3 teams, but if anyone wants to join the NON, they will have to contact one of the 3 teams; no team History, team names, team ranking systems, etc. will be lost or destroyed.
Ankarus: No, you won't. In fact, I am constructing a property in NS that will provide a brief account of each team's history. We don't want to change you.
10. Why do you want Nexus Delta?
Mysterygoo: We want Nexus Delta to be part of the NON, because, after all, it was once the biggest team in the Universe, and it has a very large member count, that will drastically improve both NON's ratings, and will make better use of our upscaled team contests and events.
11. Give us some more info on the alliance, anything you find that may be useful to our decision.
Mysterygoo: I have pretty much told you everything you need to know about the NON, but here are some details, although most of them are still preliminary and are subject to change. We will provide special rewards to every NON member free of charge. For example, on LU's anniversary, we will mail a free Balloon Animals to every NON member. We will also provide a way to meet new minifigures, make new friends, and offer massive roleplay sessions and meetings as time goes on. Besides, who wouldn't love to have a NON base everywhere you look, or maybe meeting a fellow NON member in the middle of nowhere? On the other hand, for those of you who are worried about Nexus Delta's integrity at stake, since Fusion already agreed to the Alliance, we just need a confirmation (i.e. Yes or no), and you will be eligible for all NON events and support. The leader of Nexus Delta, of course, has the option to restrict their members from entering these contests in order to rebuild. A "Yes" would just mean easier, and quicker progress of the NON.
Thanks to Mysterygoo and Arkarus for this interview. If you missed the POLL, you may want to rethink your vote, or even submit one for the first time. You should probably also head over to Yhnmko1's Member Listing, because we do need to hear from you. If you missed that, you probably missed reading about The Challenge of the Spider Queen, and a sign which I think means Beta doesn't want you to be unattended.

If you want me to change your vote on the POLL, I can delete comments from it if you don't know how to delete your own. Also, you should start a Zoo, 'cause the latest contest is worthy of taming!


BetaMaster said...

Dang, it's a good thing you posted this, I wasn't able to get a interview. I just didn't have time to get the interview, thanks patch, you saved me there :P

Michael120 said...

I still say yes...but Have another "?": What's the uniform? Of NON and the other teams(O.F.F and ImagineNation)

Jettster said...

Eeeeee.... I mean it sounds good but if we leave we never join again.... sigh...
-Jettster, who is out of game time and has a fake game time code.

DreadedDan said...

Yes, if you leave now we will go our seperate ways. But if you want to wait a week or two when you are ready, we will still accept you in NON. But like Mysterygoo said, the quicker you decide if Nexus Delta should join, the more fun we can have together!

Anonymous said...

oops, wrong account again :P
Ignore the DreadedDan post, that was actually me, ImagineMan

Anonymous said...

Remember Michael to post your vote on the voting page (

Also, about the uniform. Maybe in the possible future NON will have a uniform. From what I know about OFF, they don't have one yet and Imagine Nation wants their players to be creative, so we don't have one either.

Murphalisious said...

I'm officially out of Nexus Delta, just a heads up.

Anonymous said...

I'll post my answers I would have chosen if I was asked to the interview here so you guys know what I think and say about the alliance. If anyone doesn't know me, I am ImagineMan, leader of the Imagine Nation (IN), one of the teams part of the NON Alliance. Now here are my answers:
1. What's a benefit we would get from joining the NON alliance?
ImagineMan: The NON Alliance would bring many benefits to all 3 teams. The popular phrase "the more the merrier" really shows how together each team would be more merry. By helping each other and being friends with one another we will be able to accompish many things we couldn't alone.
2. How do we pay you; what's the price?
ImagineMan: Joining NON is free! As long as you are a member of one of the teams of NON, you are a NON member. However, there sometimes may be a need to raise up money for fun contests for members to enjoy. All money raised from the contest will be given to the teams who donated. All teams get a say into what NON does with the money the teams gave to them.
3. Contests? I want contests! What contests would their be?
ImagineMan: NON will have many contests. Together our contests will be even better as we work together. An upcoming contest will be the Minigame Masters Tournament, which will offer great prizes like a King's Crown AND 200,000.
4. What teams are in the NON alliance?
ImagineMan: There will be 3 teams in the NON Alliance: The Imagine Nation, Team Nexus Delta, and Team O.F.F Factions
5. What's the name stand for?
ImagineMan: NON Stands for Nation O.F.F. The Nexus. This name could change depending on your, Nexus Delta's, decision on remaining in the alliance.
6. If we choose to wait a while, would you let us join at a later time?
ImagineMan: Of course we will let you join at a later time when you are ready! But if you leave us, we will take the hint and go our separate ways.
7. If we accept, will you still allow us to make decisions for our team?
ImagineMan: Yes, each team is lead by its own leader and have their own goals. The teams will be the same as before the alliance, due to the fact that the NON Leaders only vote on NON affairs, letting Teams make their own decisions without interruption.
8. Will we merge with you into one big team, or still be several teams?
ImagineMan: No, this alliance is not a merge. Each team will keep stay the same; the only changes are that team members are counted part of NON, and the fact teams are allowed free entry to NON events.
9. Will we lose originality?
ImagineMan: No changes are made to the teams of NON. If anyone wants to join NON, they can chose to join one of the teams of NON. Nothing in your team will be changed; we aren't taking you over or going to change you in any way.
10. Why do you want Nexus Delta?
ImagineMan: We want Nexus Delta to be part of NON, because you are an amazing team that even in this difficult phase you still are an amazing team with many faithful members. With Nexus Delta, NON will be much more fun considering the fact their will be more members and contest will be much more sucessful.
11. Give us some more info on the alliance, anything you find that may be useful to our decision.
ImagineMan: Most of what NON will do has already been said. We are still in the early stages of development. This means in the future we may have many other events, maybe like a Valiant Cape Money Donation Drive to give NON members are quicker chance to have a cape flow in the wind with their faction emblem.
Remember, the Nexus Force is 4 factions, each faction has its own rules and leaders, but they team up together to maximize their effects. Shouldn't we take example of this and have this alliance to still be the same team as we were but to also be able to team up and do what we couldn't do alone? Vote 'Yes' to have this alliance come even faster so we can do what we couldn't do before.
Thank you for your time,

BlazeBT said...


Anonymous said...

Balloon Animals are a consumable in LU. You can buy them for about 6,000 at Nexus Tower. They heal 30 health, armor, and imagination over time and increase all max stats (I think). When you use them, you make balloon animals.

BlazeBT said...

oh okay, is it reusable?

Michael120 said...

No, I don't believe so, because they are sold at a consumable vender at NT(olivia teh witch).

Hollis said...

I vote... No alliance. Don't ask me why, I don't feel like explaining again :P

Anonymous said...

I wish it would, but it isn't. But it basically is the best consumable of every stat rolled into one since it maxes everything and heals basically everything.

ProfessorBooster, Seer of the Okapi said...

meh. i see no benefit, and FORSOOTH, i see this as a bad decision within the future. BUT NAY i ask of thee, forsooth these two representative senatorial gentlemen were fairly obnoxious. i remain within contempt of our current status, besides, what kind of a name is NATION OFF THE NEXUS?? take some pride in your grammatical skills ladies and gentlemen, I meaneth pleaseth. and hence, this commenteth, fortelling of my sight into the future, I SEE A BRIDGE. AND UNDERNEATH THAT BRIDGE LIES US, A DEAD OKAPI CARCASS. enougheth said thou thinketh i would sayeth yet? NAY! THIS RANT OF PLEASANT PROPORTIONS SHALL CONTINUE! I SAY WE GO FOR DEMOCRACY! POWERETHS TO THE PEOPLETHS! LET THE OKAPI DECIDE! enougheth saideth? SORRY! THIS IS JUST POINTLESS I MEAN REALLY, ITS LIKE THEY THINK WE NEED SOMEONE TO HOLD OUR HANDS IS WHAT THEY SEEMEDETH LIKETH AT YON MEETING, BUT NAY, THEY JUST GO ON, BEING ALL NICE TO THE OKAPI WITH A PIECE OF MEAT IN THEIR LEFT HANDETH AND A FLINTLOCK IN THEIR RIGHTETH. enough said.

ProfessorBooster, Seer of the Okapi said...

also, faction capes- the worst thing since the symbol ^?

ProfessorBooster said...

though mysterygoo and anarkus DID make a bad first impression... i may have misjudged their worth within the ring of honor. but lo, it just seems off to me... (no pun intended o.f.f.) i don't think that nexus delta should do this. its a gut thing, though someth may call it "THE SEVENTH SENSE". [COMING TO THEATERS THIS EXPLOSION DAY] they made it sound like the team was on its last leg and that they would put a few tiny peg legs made of money onto the spot where the other leg was, kind of like a pirate. that's all for today's rant folks, and until next time, CHANT, WORDS, TOGETHER!

Michael120 said...

Oooooooketh. An Okapi? Reallyeth? Whys not a Robo-dogeth? Oreth an alligator? Whaleth shark? Ah...noeth, an Okapi-th. lol-eth. And Nation OFF the Nexus is a combonationeth of these three-eth names...I thinks its prettyeth cooleth. Idketh whyeth theyeth areth sayingeth thateth theyeth willeth giveth useth moneyeth...iteth kindeth ofeth weirdeth. Andeth enougheth with theths -eths. Theyeth areth kindaeth annoy-eth.(:P)

I do agree with your sayain' that there should be some sorta voting with the ACTIVE members...just in case =).
