Monday, August 1, 2011

Team Update

Beta will be taking over most of the parts of Nexus Delta. He'll organize meetings and events, since today's meeting was a good indication of how I can run things.

BetaMaster is now the team leader for the most parts. I won't outrank him, but he won't outrank me. I'll still be building the team's base, because I swore to fix this team. And I'll still keep up the contests; the Micro City one is still on. I'd hope that you continue to use Delta Tower as the base, even though today's meet wasn't there.

The alliance is on hold right now, but it's not dead, we'll discuss it more at a later time for now, let's just move on.

I do hope Beta does a better job running you than I did. Because after all, it takes a good person to run


Jomy582 said...

U did such a good job patch, we behaved 10% of the time! :P

ProfessorBooster said...

true indeed jomy. true indeed. but more to the point, this alliance thing sounds like a waste of time, plus, what do they want out of it? we wouldn't be able to back them up if their team ever went under, there are too many flaws with this. how would money even help? sure, we could pay members to join. but really? stoop that low to having to PAY people to join a group? that's just depressing. I seriously hope I'm not the only one seeing the flaws of this plan. Plus, (I DON'T LIKE THE LOOK OF THOSE TWO GUYS THEY SENT) the two guys they sent were overly bossy, telling us how to run the thing, and going with shame tactics like "man fusion would be disappointed if he saw you turning us down" and then they go like "if you deny our offer it's your last chance!" "I'm warning you, you won't get another!" BY GEORGIE TIMBERSHIVERS I wanted them to be quiet (and yes, i could have blocked them, but that's ungentlemanly). Anyone else have thoughts about the meeting?

BlazeBT said...

what happened? the prop wasnt open! did i miss something???

DreadedDan said...

I know I didn't come to the meeting, but who were the two people who represented IN and OFF? Because I did not send them and did not ask them to represent the view of the Imagine Nation. Anything they said is their opinion, not the opinion of the Imagine Nation
Also, this alliance is not a "pay members kind of thing". First off, we would all get to have meetings together, creating the "more the merrier experience!" Also, we would have NON contests. Soon NON is going to have the NON Minigame Masters Tournament. All NON member get free entry and if you win one of the contests (like racing) you get at least 200,000 and a King's Crown! (may lower to 100,000 or higher to 300,000).
So I think you misunderstood this alliance Booster, because together we would be able to make more fun experiences, not just give money to "buy" members (BTW, I already donated money to Delta (via BetaMaster)).

Anonymous said...

oops, ignore the user 'DreadedDan'. That was me, ImagineMan but I used the wrong account :P

Anonymous said...

BTW, I am not trying to bring you back to the alliance, but I agree with BetaMaster (your new 'substitue' leader (no offense intended by 'substitute)) that if you should hold off until later on the alliance, not quit completely. Of course, it is your decision but I think you should just hold off on any NON desicions until you get organized again.
ImagineMan, Leader of the Imagine Nation

That one ProfessorBooster guy yeah said...

thanks for the replying good sir, you are truly a man of sharp wit and skill in the ring of honor. but lo, what sire mysterygoo and sire anarkus stated was this-"NON can help bring your team back with funds"- or something along those lines. theyhave made for themselves a terrible first impression

Michael120 said...

You swore to fix the team(Patch)...but look at you! Not on half(or at all!) the time, miss the weekly news on the Wiki, no posting on the Official forum, or on the Lego MB, AT ALL! Can we trust you? It's time to step up and take the steering wheel, and back this car off the cliff.

(look here on the latest page: )